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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012: Meaning of life

Fuiyoo tajuk tak boleh blah...but this is serious peeps! Please put on your serious faces ;p

So 2012 is leaving us soon. Have we achieved our 2012 resolutions? Or will be carried forward to next year (or next next year) just like mine...hehe

Before I wrap up this year, just to wish my beautiful and smart daughter, Izma Humaira a very very very happy third birthday sayang!!! Yes she just celebrated her third birthday on 8 December and we made a simple mkn2 birthday party for her, first time she celebrated her birthday at our new house :) We just invited our close friends and a few neighbours (exactly my right and left neighbours only ;p) and we had a great time hosting the mkn2 (not really a party). But but but we didn't manage to take any pictures!!! Yes not a single one, and not even the beautiful princess themed birthday cake!!! How bad is that! We were busy layaning our guests, top up the food, took drinks and food for the kids (and for their mommies ;p) and that's it. No pictures. Nope, not a single one.

Since there is no picture available, I can just describe the event (I can even lie and exaggerate about it too ;p). So for the mkn2, I cooked most of the meals (kenapa, tak percaya???). Our menu included fettucine bolognese (supposed to be spaghetti but I bought the wrong pasta which is fettucine...deng!), my signature (ehem ehem) fried meehoon, sate Hj Samuri (of course this one not home cooked one la!), nuggets, and our hit of the party and so they say the crowd pleaser :) (perasan je ni mengaku hit ;p), the chocolate fountain!! Woot~~woot~~~ eh over! But I really really have to admit that this is the simplest but fun dessert to be prepared for those who don’t really enjoy baking cookies or cupcakes or pudding like me…hehe all I need to do is rent the machine and buy the chocolate (I used 2kg++ for my fountain), then buy some marshmallows and fruits and do the ‘cucuking’ to the satay sticks but too bad no pictures on my choc fountain food :(. For fruits we have apples, grapes and strawberries. But it was funny to watch that some kids like to eat just the fruits and marshmallows, without dipping them in the choc fountain. The mommies and daddies that were actually busy dipping theirs at the fountain. So actually the choc fountain was really for the adults. We enjoyed it more than the kids! :)

And also I did a head count, we had total of 52 guests! Not bad for a first time hosting a mkn2! Let’s do this again! Next year! Or next next year ;p

So that’s the update for Izma’s birthday celebration this year. We also brought a cake and goodies for small celebration at her skool on 12 December (amek jugak la aura 12.12.12 tu ;p). But this time I managed to take picture of her birthday cake! Yeayyy!!!

Princess Izma with her favourite Barbie princess and popstar!

And another picture that I managed to save is this pic of Izma’s birthday present! Yeayyyy!!! Loads of toys from generous aunties and uncles!!! Thank you!!!

The biggest present as usual comes from her Pak Ngah, a 3-wheel scooter!! Canggih betul toys budak2 sekarang ni…

Ok enough update on the birthday princess. Balik ke pangkal jalan.

So I wrote 2012: Meaning of life. Indeed 2012 taught me the meaning of life. Especially on the ups and downs moments. When I looked back at first I thought 2012 is really a ‘bad’ year for me. This year I went through a lot of downs moments. I miscarried in August, my father passed away in September. But then when I think again, hey, actually that’s all my downs moments, only 2. They are major definitely but I sure have a lot of major ups moments too to counter back and even to make this year actually a ‘good’ year. To name a few, we finally moved into own house this year, hubby got his Ir. title, Izma went to school (playschool pun kira school yer ;p), I finally got what I want in terms of work related thingy and a lot more to thank for! Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah :)

So yeah 2012 had really taught me the meaning of life. That is, in life you really have to go through the ups and downs. It’s not a complete life if you only have ups moments your entire life. It’s no fun not going through the hard experiences which will make you grow (not sideways ya ;p) and become stronger after every challenge in life. And these downs moments really made me stronger (I hope). My secret of going through any challenges or when I feel really really down and can’t think of anything to make me feel better, I will sing (yes literally ;p) this one song from Hijjaz titled ‘Lukisan Alam’ particularly on the line ‘setitis derita melanda, segunung kurnianNya’. And actually the whole song is really motivating, every word and every line if you go through the song. Ok lah let me sing it for you…muahahaha sila kurangkan volume pc or mute terus. Baca lirik sudah~~~~

Hidup tidak selalunya indah
Langit tak selalu cerah
Suram malam tak berbintang
Itulah lukisan alam
(Begitu aturan Tuhan)

Jadilah rumput nan lemah lembut
Tak luruh dipukul ribut
Bagai karang di dasar lautan
Tak terusik dilanda badai

Dalam suka hitunglah kesyukuranmu
Dalam senang awasi kealfaanmu
Setitis derita melanda
Segunung kurniaanNya

Usah mengharapkan ke segalanya
Dalam perjuangan penuh pengorbanan
Usah dendam berpanjangan
Maafkan kesalahan insan
(Begitu ajaran Tuhan)

Hasbiallah, Hasbunallah
HasbiRabbi jalallahu Ya Allah

Dalam diam taburkanlah baktimu
Dalam tenang buangkanlah amarahmu
Suburkanlah sifat sabar
Di dalam jiwamu itu

It’s so true right, every line in the song? I LOVE this song so much since I was in UTP indeed. So this is my secret weapon when I’m feeling down down down… always count your blessings, definitely they are much more than your small challenges :) So life = hidup tidak selalunya indah – barulah hidup namanya :)

Ok I’m officially ready to leave 2012 behind, or 2012 is leaving me?? How about you? Ready to face more challenges in 2013? Ready to become a stronger Hulk-person? (eh eh over jerit2 budget pakar motivasi lak ;p)

So long 2012, thank you Allah for the life you had given me all this while, please make me a better Muslim in 2013 and the years to come, grant me strength to face Your tests and please bless my family and friends always, Amin…

Welcome 2013!!! Bring it on!!! (hover hokay~~~)

Friday, October 5, 2012


Mixture feeling of writing this entry. I hope I don’t have to write this but I do. In memory of my beloved Papa. Soon will be his 62nd birthday (supposedly) on 16th October but Allah loves him more. It’s been exactly 3 weeks since he left us. Papa left us on Friday, 14th September 2012 @ 27 Syawal 1433H. In a way I’m happy as he’s one of the chosen ones to pass away on a Friday. I wish I’ll have the same opportunity when my time comes, insyaAllah, amin…

I imagine this will be a long one but depends on my emotional state, I might not be strong enough to keep on writing about Papa without shedding a lot of tears and I don’t want to shed a lot of tears now that I’m still in ‘healing’ state from the lost.

About the day Papa left us, it was very shocking. He passed away at his home without any severe illness. He just had a slight fever few days before that but I talked to him through the phone on Thursday, one day before he left us and he sounded ok. Perhaps he was not really that ok but he never told us if he’s sick or anything. He was very secretive and didn’t want to trouble us or made us worry. And for that also I’m relieved as I imagine he passed away peacefully and I hope it was the case as none of us was there when he breathed his last breath ;(((

The chronology on that fateful Friday:

Izma was at PCMC, admitted since Monday due to her high fever; I slept there every night from Monday – Thursday. Friday morning I went to work from PCMC while my mom came and stayed with Izma.

Upon arriving office, I got a call from Halim, one of the workers at Cheras Dialysis Centre where Papa went for her dialysis treatment 3 times per week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. He mentioned that he tried to call Papa since 7.30am but he didn’t pick up his phone. He was concern because Papa went for his dialysis on Thursday morning and he didn’t look well. I said yes he mentioned that he had a slight fever but nothing serious (according to him). And I said that I just talked to him yesterday (Thursday) at around 6pm and he didn’t mention anything about his fever. After talking to Halim I tried to call Papa as well but nobody pick up the phone. But I was thinking this is normal, sometimes he left his phone when going out and he’ll call back.

I kept trying the whole day but no answers. In the evening, Izma was discharged at about 5.30pm and we went straight to Papa’s house. The rest is history. It was a long night but I don’t want to record it here. It will stick in my memories for the rest of my life. Whatever it is I was really thankful to Halim as without his call that morning, I don’t know what would happen. It’s all being written, these whole happenings.

Anyhow just to recall the last moments we had with Papa, I last saw him on Monday the same week he left. He came to PCMC to visit Izma. He stayed for about half an hour and I just let him played with Izma. Izma was very happy to see her Atuk and had a lot of laughter eventhough she was having a high fever then. Papa even carried her around the room and she liked it. She seldom likes people to carry her except for me of course but that night she was happy to be with Atuk. And this was maybe because Papa came to our house the day before (Sunday) and played with her so she was all warmed up to him :). Papa said to Izma while visiting her that Monday night “Nanti Izma dah baik kita pegi makan aiskrim ye, nanti Atuk dtg rumah Izma kita tgk cat yer…” and Izma was nodding excitedly to his suggestion. But they never had that chance and little that we knew about that then ;((

One day before that (Sunday), I invited some of my friends from office to my home as they won’t be able to come for my ‘open housewarming’ which was planned to be on Saturday, 15th September. So I was hosting a mini open house a week earlier on that Sunday. I cooked chicken rice, beef rendang and bought some lemang. After they left I called Papa and invited him over as I still have some food left. He came at around 6pm and stayed until 9pm. And also little that we knew then, that would be the last time he came to my house, ate there, had his prayers there, played with Izma there ;((

Papa came to my house quite regularly during weekends. That’s the only time for him to see and play with Izma and Izma always enjoyed his company. He would take Izma into his car and drove around the neighborhood, just the 2 of them, bought her ice cream and other ‘jajan’. Then he played with her in the house, looking for cats outside and had a good time together. Usually we’ll just let them spent time together and I’ll do some housework during his visit.

But that Sunday was extra special. Came dinner time hubby and I were still full and didn’t want to have our dinner. I just prepared meals I cooked for Papa and join him at dining table, just drinking. Suddenly Izma wanted to have dinner with her Atuk so I put her in the seat next to Papa and gave her a bowl of chicken rice. As Papa already had his dinner company, I left them both and went on to clear the dishes in the sink. Turned out Papa was very happy to have a ‘dinner date’ with Izma and they chatted and laughed over the dinner. And Papa kept saying to me afterwards “Izma nak mkn dgn Papa la, banyak dia mkn tapi dia mkn ayam je. Nasik mkn sikit je. Seronok dia mkn dengan Papa”. I just smiled and very happy to see Papa was sooo happy spending time with his granddaughter :) And he kept on saying that while having dinner with Izma. He kept saying “Seronok Izma makan dengan Papa, byk dia makan, pandai dia cubit ayam…” with happy smile on his face. And surprisingly Izma was also enjoying herself just sitting there with her Atuk. She was ok with me and hubby being far from her which was rare events. And for this memory also, I hope he left feeling happy having to spent good time with his families just few days before that. And in a way I felt satisfied to have a chance to serve Papa with my home cooked meals eventhough it was not that delicious. I’ll never have that chance ever ;((

Regardless, I know that was nothing compared to what he had sacrificed for me all this while. And I didn’t manage to repay my debts on all his hardship of raising me, and I’ll never have that chance, not in a million years ;(( But I hope my du’a reached him and he’ll rest in peace together with good Muslims, Amin…that’s all I can do now.

We didn’t have our ‘open housewarming’ on that Saturday, instead we were having a tahlil for Papa at my aunt’s house. My aunts and uncles mentioned that Papa had texted them 1 week before inviting them to my open house, but instead it was actually for him ;((

I think that was as far as I can go now. I’ll break down if I go further ;(

All in all, I hope I have the strength eventually to carry on without Papa. Last week while in office suddenly I was thinking “eh nak call Papa la, dah lama tak call..” and I was reaching my handphone when suddenly the reality hit me, I can’t call Papa, he’s not here anymore ;(( and I will never can call him…soooo sad…ya Allah, please give me strength to go through this lost, Amin…

And weekends are so different without him visiting us. I was like waiting for him to come through our door anytime and Izma will be very excited ;((

Hopefully we’ll be ok soon and I want to keep on reciting all the good memories I had with Papa throughout my 30 years of life.

Papa, I love you so much and I hope you had a peaceful rest there with Him and I will always make du’a for you, reciting Quran for you and I hope it reached you…I hope you are proud of having me as your daughter, I will never forget what you have done for me especially on teaching me to read the Quran when I was little. May Allah bless you for everything you did, Amin…

Al-Fatihah to Papa, 16th October 1950 – 14th September 2012…

Monday, September 3, 2012


All praise to Allah

And now we take a break and take it slowly :)

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Deja vu

No no no not Dejavu di Kinabalu yer...hehe

Yes this is like a repetition entry. The last entry on this experience was written more or less exactly one year ago. Same situation, almost the same time, same feelings.

OMG I'm dragging myself to write this entry and literally having butterflies in my stomach as soon as I start writing...ok maybe not literally la, over okkk ;p

So what's the deja vu event? It's my miscarriage event :((
I remembered last year I was sitting at Starbucks KLCC one week after Aidilfitri, during my 1-week medical leave, writing about our first miscarriage experience. And now, on my 2-week medical leave, sitting alone in my house, writing about our second experience :(

So yeah it happened again to us. I found out that I'm pregnant in early July, Alhamdulillah, few days before hubby's birthday (and I made the positive pregnancy test kit as his birthday present so that I don't have to buy other present ;p). We were happy and thrilled after 6 months of trying but deep deep deep down also very worried especially me. I'm so trauma of my past experience and couldn't actually enjoy the good news. We didn't tell any of our family members as I decided to break the news once we passed the first trimester. However we didn't make it to the first trimester so the secret remains a secret except to my mom as we need her help to take care of Izma during my D&C procedure. So have to spill out the news to her eventually.

Positive!!! Yeay Alhamdulillah :))

Anyways, it's really really a deja vu event because I got pregnant just few weeks before fasting month just like last year, managed to secure my first appointment with Dr Seri one week after Raya which I'll be in my week 12 by the time I see her just like last year my first appoinment was supposed to be one week after Raya and on my week 12, didn't make it to the first appointment for both years. So yeah creepy deja vu. Hopefully this is the last of it, no more deja vu. Ok pening banyak sgt perkataan deja vu. Btw I hate that Dejavu di Kinabalu drama, so slow, no offense Tiz's fans ;p

Ok down to my story this time around, I got so nervous as soon as I knew I was pregnant. So trauma and phobia of my previous experience and really hoped that we make it this time. My EDD was 11/03/2013, last year's was 23/03/2012, difference about 2 weeks which explains the 'dejavuness' as this year we're celebrating Ramadhan and Aidilfitri 2 weeks earlier than last year. Anyways since I was so nervous, we decided not to wait until week 12 for my first appointment thus decided to have earlier check up with a proper gynae (not just walk in into any clinics that have an ultrasound machine like we did for the past 2 pregnancies ;p). We managed to secure appointment with Dr Khamsiah at An-Nur Specialist Hospital just at our own backyard here in Bangi during the first week of Ramadhan.

So we  went for the check up on 26/07/2012 and I'm supposed to be in my week 7+. However the ultrasound didn't show that. Supposedly we should expecting a heartbeat to be heard already in week 7, but for our case, there's no heartbeat at all. The sac was very small size around 4 weeks+ and there's no feotus sighted. Our hearts broke right then, right there but we acted strong. Although the Dr convinced us that it might be possible that the baby was growing late due to late ovulation perhaps but we knew what actually happened because I had regular periods and not really possible the ovulation date will be different by 2-3 weeks.

I was prescribed Duphaston for 2 weeks and scheduled for another appointment on 09/08/2012. Dr Khamsiah mentioned that there should be heartbeat during that time or else it's history. But we really can't wait for 09/08 and would really want to have a second opinion on this. And decided to take our chance to try see Dr Seri of PCMC. I really struggled to get an appointment with her. I tried swapping with my friend whose appt was on 07/08 (mine supposed to be on 28/8 - sooo long way to go) to the extend we had harrassed her assistant...hehe pity her just doing her job. When that didn't work, I PM Dr Seri on her Facebook but of course knowing her busy self she didn't reply my message (penat karang cite sedih ;p) then last step I emailed her (as advised by my friend Joely :)). Another sad story, a bit sadder than the Facebook version ;p. I emailed her on 31/07, she didn't reply, but on 01/08 her assistant called me up and mentioned that Dr Seri asked me to come see her the next day on Thursday, 02/08 exactly 1 week after our first check up @ An Nur...phewww Alhamdulillah our efforts paid :)

So we went for the check up on 02/08 and the ultrasound showed same image as per my first ultrasaound and the sac was actually became smaller despite 1-week consumption of Duphaston. No feotus sighted as well, just an empty sac :( So it's confirmed I was having yet another missed miscarriage just like the previous one but our previous one we had a feotus in the sac which was not growing. Sad. Frustrated. But the feelings were better than last year's because we had gone through this before and had mentally prepared for it before we went to see Dr Seri. So we were ok when told about the news. And also I felt better than last time because this time around there was no feotus/baby inside the sac so not really feeling guilty of losing the sac. Last year we had actually saw the heartbeat when I was 5-week pregnant and not hearing it again in my week 10, so I just couldn't describe the feeling. I kept thinking if I did anything wrong which caused the baby stop growing...huhu

Alhamdulillah this time around perhaps Allah made it easier for us to go through another challenge from Him during this Ramadhan :) So we straight away scheduled for D&C procedure the next day, Friday 03/08 (last year's date was 03/09/2011). Like Dr Seri said 'the earlier we end this episode, the earlier we can begin a new one' :)). Love Dr Seri the positive Dr and always know what to say to cheer us up and somehow gave us a little hope there :) And what makes me love her more is because she gave me 2 weeks medical leave!!! weehuuuu until Raya okkk jgn jeles!!!hahaha

Right now I'm working at home for this one week because the assessment thingy is just starting this week and it's that busy time of the year. I plan to go to office next week Tuesday - Thursday just to pick up my ordered raya cookies and cakes...hehehe

Whatever it is we really thank Allah for this another opportunity for me to go through the pregnancy experience once more. It was indeed a beautiful experience although only for a short while, Alhamdulillah our prayers being heard all this while :)) And also to add to this we're more thankful when I heard my boss' remarks on my situation. On my last day of work before the D&C I told my boss that I was pregnant but I just had a miscarriage and will be off for 2 weeks + 1 week raya leave. His remarks that I couldn't forget was that he told me that we're still lucky because the miscarriage event indicates that I can become pregnant and did become pregnant, and have the chances again to become pregnant in the future without problems, InsyaAllah. He said this because he is currently struggling with her wife to get pregnant. He has no kid yet and his wife is having some problem of getting pregnant. At least we on the other hand had already have our adorable Izma in our lives. His remarks was really an eye opening and true what they said, when you think you had been challenged to your bones, just open you eyes and see those who have bigger challenges than yours, then you'll be really thankful...Alhamdulillah :)

Anddd.....we are not giving up! I have a follow-up check up with Dr Seri on 14 Sept and InsyaAllah she's helping us to get us twins!!!hehe just kidding ;p She had some plans but I'm not really sure what because she told me about the plan right after the D&C procedure when I was still dizzy from the anaesthetics (betul ke eja ni? belasahhh). So I just agreed on whatever she said...hehe but I did remember she mentioned twins then she laughed really loudly ;p

So yeah that's our deja vu. Hopefully it's the last one. I pray that my next deja vu is on the event of going through the same experience I had when giving birth to Izma, InsyaAllah Aminnn...

Btw on the happier note, my dearest hubby is officially a Professional Engineer with an Ir. title in front of his name, Alhamdulillah, his 2-year efforts paid off finally. So there you go, the sad and happy news in this Ramadhan al-Mubarak, Alhamdulillah, we can never thank Allah enough :)

To all of you peeps, Happy Ramadhan, Happy Aidilfitri in advance :))

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Izma's love triangle~~~phewittttt

Wowwww interesting title right??? Ish ish Izma kecik2 dah already in love triangle...sape ajar ni???

Hahaha ok la so as we all know (yeah the whole world know ;p) Izma already goes to school!!! Almost 2 months now. And we see a lot of improvements especially on her vocab. English speaking now, kalah mama n ayah ;p

Just some recap from my previous entry on her progress, as I mentioned (ade ke mention?) for the first week we sent her to school, she cried everyday. For the first day we just sent her for about 3 hours and she cried for the whole of 3 hours! We sent her crying and fetched her lokking very much the same, still crying. Pity her :( When we fetched her, she was lying on of the toddlers' beds crying with her bottle in her mouth. And sitting beside the bed watching her was a cute lil' boy. He just sitting there staring at her and I think for this reason Izma didn't stop crying because she was afraid of the cute lil' boy...hehe the boy meant well ;p

Anyways the second week was much better. No more crying. Phew~~~ But the aunties (that's what the children called the teachers there) said that Izma was really quiet and didn't say a word at school. She just watched the other kids play and stayed very close to the aunties. This we can understand because all her life she mingled with only adults, the youngest is her Mak Su who is 19 years old! So she really don't know how to mingle with kids her age. Eh tak masuk2 lagi kisah love triangle kan. Mukadimah baru ;p

So we are really looking forward everyday to hear her say new word after coming back from school. Or new song, she just loves to sing! Although she's quiet at school, but once she got into the car she'll start to tell all the happenings at the school on that day. Aunty Wani this, Aunty Aisha that Aunty Raihana dah balik, then her friends' names also come out Yasmin this, Darwish that, etc. She'll continue to tell her stories until we got home. Most of the times she really likes to imitate her aunties. So most of the phrases are all 'command' words like don't touch, sit down, get up, etc. And to make it more interesting she'll add her freinds' names to that commands. The top 2 phrases of the day and everyday ;p are 'don't touch alamin' and 'thank you mail' (of course with her pelatness).

So this makes us wondering what is alamin means? And mail? A thing or a person? So after days listening to these phrases, out of curiosity and my investigation instinct (instinct la sangatttt) one morning while sending her to school I ask Aunty Wani, 'is there any kid named Amin here?'
She said 'Yes, we have Al-Amin. He really likes to tease Izma.'
Tinggggg!!! No wonder the phrases for Al-Amin is 'don't touch alamin' because that boy always tease her but she doesn't like him...hahaha so cute! And to make it more interesting, after a few days of investigating (hubby and I are on this investigation team ;p) we found out that Al-Amin is actually the cute lil' boy who sat by her on her first day!!! Interesting right?hehehe and hubby had approved him right away to be our potential son-in-law since he's so cute and neat. (Eh bukan Izma tak suka ke dak comel ni? ;p)
Ok back to our story line, then I asked Aunty Wani another question 'what about Mail?'
She said 'Yes we do have Ismail, a Palestinian boy which Izma adores. Ismail will sometimes put powder on Izma's face and Izma will say thank you...'
Another Tingggg!!! That explains the 'thank you mail'....hahaha

Hahahahaha...mystery solved! So the love triangle is actually between Izma, Al-Amin and Ismail. Al-Amin likes Izma but she doesn't like him (we do ;p), Izma likes Ismail but Ismail just neutral towards her...hahaha
But unfortunately for Izma, Ismail left the school at end June as he was going back to Palestine. Pity her, no more Ismail to put powder on her face :(
So pesanan penaja: Go Al-Amin go get Izma!!! ;ppp

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Currently on vacation~~~

Yes we're currently on 1-week vacation, my hubby and I, guess where? At Seri Bangi!!! Weeee~~~ hahaha

We're relaxing while Izma is on her familiarization phase at her new playschool, Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessari ;)
The truth is we took 1 week leave especially to send Izma to BBIM and to monitor her 'closely' while she is familiarizing herself to the new environment which is totally a very strange place for her. Strange mostly because it is filled with kids there and she's not used to that. All this while her life is revolving around adults all the time, the youngest being her Mak Su who is 19 years old...hehe

So that's why in these 2 days we had send her there, she stayed close to the aunts there and only watched the other kids play (so we were told by the teachers there - or 'aunts' called by the kids). Poor Izma she don't know how to mingle and play with her new friends ;( hopefully in time she'll find her ways to join them and get herself some BFFs ;p

By the way on second day of our vacation which is today I got some extra time (duhh ;p) to get my herbs and spices into small (free) jars and labeled them! These 2 days are really refreshing and give me some perspectives on being a SAHM or WAHM (I did check my mails just now ;p). And here's my cute little spice jars with their labels (so that I won't forget their names and really know what i put in my cookings in case somebody ask for the recipes ;pp).

They're cute jars right ;)

Got the jars from my second cousin's wedding as a wedding favor (with sweets inside) but I got only 4 of them and i still need extra jars for my bunga lawang (star anise??) and bunga cengkih (don't know??). And also if you notice i didn't put any label for kulit kayu manis a.k.a cinnamon coz you cannot not know what that thing is okkk ;p

So anyone of you getting married soon and will give these cute lil jars away as wedding favors to your guests? Invite me please!!! ;))

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Of Izma & school

Izma already goes to school!!! To a playschool that is :)
We had officially moved to Bangi (finally ;p) and so Izma also has to officially goes to school as her Opah's home is already far far away and she already is a big big girl (cam xde kena mengena kan ;p).

To tell you the truth we've been dragging in finding and surveying all the nurseries/playschools available in Bangi for us to send Izma to once we moved because we really don't want to send her!!! And we know she also doesn't want to be left with anyone else who is not her Opah while we are at work...huhu but what to do sooner or later we still have to send her to school so it's better for her to get the idea as soon as now ;)

So how was she at school?
First day: sent her at 8am and fetched her at 11.30am (felt like infinity being at home without her ;(). She was crying when we arrived to fetch her. And according to the aunties there she was crying all the way since 8am except when they bathed her ;(

Second day: sent her at 7.30am and fetched her at 2pm. A lot of improvement. She cried but not for long. She stayed close to the aunts and just laughed watching the other kids play. She didn't have the guts to join them yet I guess.

Third day: that is today. Sent her at 7.30am and plan to fetch her at 5pm today! Waaa long way to go and this is one of my ways to kill time ;)) Ya Allah, please make my baby happy during her stay there..Aminn...

Sooo happy yesterday after we fetch her!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sneak peek Seri Bangi

Hello peeps! As usual long time no see 😜. And i think this is the longest ever!!! What happened to me? I don't knowww!!! 😝
Well as an excuse, i was n still am busy moving into our new crib! As if it's not already very obvious in my title, just so u know, we're moving to Bangi!!!!! ✌ Taman Seri Bangi in Seksyen 8, Bandar Baru Bangi to be exact. Wow too much info. Sikit lagi u're gonna get my whole address 😜
And this marks the end of our 3-year nomad life as in always packing and unpacking every single weekend without fail! (well except when hubby is offshore la). My feelings: very very berry nervous to finally 'live on our own'. Always wondering how it'll feel like, how often do we go back to cheras and bangi (in-laws') after this (most probably every week ya 😉), opah n cu will be missing lil' izma (will they?), i hv to do my own laundry (all this while most of the time my mom would take care of this 👍), etc etc.
Put that aside, the biggest fear of all is actually to finally send Izma to a playschool, a very strange place for her and with all the strangerssss. Waaaa we're so scared n worried n nervous n don't want to send her!!!! Ok hover tauuu 😂 And to make it worse, hubby is more scarier, worrier, nervouser than i am and it certainly doesn't help!!!!! Waaaa and it's like 4 days away from today!!!! Waaaaa again!!!!
Ok maybe i'll post one special entry of Izma going to school soon! Eh eh anti climax sungguh 😝
Ok2 back to our title on top, this is about some sneak peak into our new crib ya, not into our fear or nervousness 😁
So here there are some pics that i have. Hubby has so much more ✌

Lights on!

Close up our dry kitchen

My new playground - the wet kitchen

The the cute helpful Izma 👍

My new cool gadget in my playground area

The curtains, fan, sofa and lights
Ok that's all folks!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A friend of mine at fb had put the above number in her status and mention that it is a unique number of today's date. It's unique coz it looks like mirror image 21022012. So it is very special and we won't see this date anymore forever and ever. And it is even more special for me as today is our third anniversary!!! Yes 3 exclamation symbols to go with that :p

So to my beloved husband who is currently working for the nation at offshore Kerteh, a very happy anniversary laling!!! May we cherish our marriage forever and ever and may Allah bless our family always and forever. I love you so much much muchest!!! Get home soon as the dinner at KL Tower is waiting for us. Yes i remember this...hihihi

-from ur wifey, 21022012- (mcm tulis surat pulak nak tulis tarikh bagai :p)