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Saturday, October 31, 2009

LeTteR foR mY DadDy :)

dear daddy luv,

how are you daddy? i hope you are fine.mama and i are fine here.we miss you very much.i haven't heard your voice for a week now.i hope i can hear you again next wednesday.mama said we'll come home early next wednesday to see you! (don't tell her boss ;p)

mama said you bought me more osh kosh clothes.yeay!!! i like!!! don't forget to bring back all the clothes ok :)

auntie azra has just delivered a little baby girl this morning.can we see her next weekend daddy?please daddy please...please...^~^ and also mama wants to shop for my things with you once you are back :)

ok daddy mama wants to read me a story book take care ok.and good morning to you! i'm going to sleep soon.have a nice day daddy!

mama and i love you very very much...

- your super duper cute baby -

p/s: mama said today is the date both of you declared as a couple...happy 4th couple anniversary!!!hihihi ;p

Thursday, October 29, 2009

rindunyer kat bambam~~~

waaa i miss my bambam terribly...sob...sob...

...i miss him singing black's song aku rindu sayang kamu (most of the time out of tune and turned out to sound like a nasyid song...hihi)~

...i miss him putting my 'tokin' for me before i go to bed~

...i miss him lying beside me on the bed and we'll stay clinging to each other without talking (this is actually to make me melt so that he can play PS3 without feeling guilty 10 minutes later ;p)~

...i miss him putting me to bed eventhough i'm not really sleepy (actually same reason as above - so that he can proceed to his lover #3 a.k.a. PS3 peacefully and without feeling guilty having me watching him play sambil buat muka kesian org tak layan ^~^)~ owhh btw lover #1 and #2 sure la me n baby~

...i miss looking at him dancing before he goes to shower and after he comes back from shower~

...i miss his 'mengigau' in the middle of the night (which sometimes could really scares me...hihi)~

...i miss him tidying up the room every night (i think i miss this one the most ;p kalau tiba2 bambam balik without 24 hours notice pasti pengsan tengok bilik nih...huhu)~

...i miss him rubbing my stomach and talking to the baby (i'm sure baby misses this too)~

...i miss avoiding his little janggut when he tries to rub that against my skin...huhu tak suke tau ;p~

...i miss him helping me harvest my fruits/vege/crops at my farm...err virtual farm a.k.a. farmville...hihi now i don't have the mood to plant anything...the farm had been a dessert for almost a week now~

...i miss looking at him studying himself at the mirror...hehe especially when he just bought a new t-shirt or laptop bag...haha sure nak try and rasa bergaya depan cermin (memang bergaya pun my bambam ni :))~

...i miss his coughing~

...but most of all...i miss him!!! i miss my bambam~~~

btw bambam is my beloved hubby - name due to his ketembaman now ;)

bambam dear, balik la cepat...tinggalkan je turbine tu suruh harris yg tgk sampai habis...hihi sukati je kan...marah wife harris nanti~~~

p/s: all the while i'm writing this, baby is kicking so hard...i guess she's saying 'mama janganlah sedih, baby kan ada kat sini :)' my sweet baby~~~
ok mama tak sedih dah :)

to bambam, we're dedicating this song to you (so that you can sing this correctly next time ;p)

Siang dan malamku kini menjadi satu
Terasa sedihku bila tiada mu
Apakah ini dinamakan cinta oh
Menjadi aku yang punya
Apakah kau dah tak sepertiku
Rasa hari-hariku tak menentu
Bagaikan lilitan terikat di jantungku
Terasa sungguh
Aku rindu sayang kamu
Matamu aku cinta kepadamu
Sayang kamu
Apakah kau rasa sepertiku
Rasa hari-hariku tak menentu
Bagaikan lilitan terikat dijantungku
Terasa sungguh

Owhhh sungguh the true~~~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

message in a bottle for daddy~~~

dear daddy,

i miss you very much.please come home before 4th november so that you can see me on 5th november together with mama.and also don't forget to bring back my cute osh kosh clothes ok.mama said you bought me a lot of nice clothes.thanks daddy! :)

ok lah, mama said don't disturb you coz you are sleeping right now.we will wait for your call before we sleep tonight.can't wait!

so take care ok daddy.don't worry too much about us.we are very healthy here (especially mama la ;p) good night and sweet dreams :)) i love you so much.mama also said she loves you very much...

lots of loves n hugs n kisses,
- your super cute baby -

Monday, October 26, 2009

food for the big preggy tummy~~~

Wow a second entry for today. This is certainly a new record. 2 ENTRIES IN A DAY!!! I barely make it for 2 entries in a month before this...hahaha

Actually I intend to do this entry for today but just now so emotional on missing abg so have to write that entry first...hehe now just remembered my original intention ;p

I just want to record all the food that I should eat or so called the good-for-pregnancy food since lately there are so many advices for me to eat this and that from friends, families, etc. So I just want to jot them down as a note for my next pregnancIES...ngeh2 ;p

The benefit of eating these food are various for different person who recommends me to them so I'm also not sure why I have to eat them...hehe but hey, no harm done right? They are good food indeed and in a way it's kind of forcing me to eat them because of their 'nutritions'.

Ok2 before I babbling more and forget the list, I'd better jot down the list now. So here they go:

  1. Young coconut water (air kelapa muda) - for baby's smooth skin and thick hair
  2. Pomegranate (buah delima) - to have a beautiful baby with dimples (seriously, dimples??? layan je laaaa ;p); prevent brain trauma for baby during birth
  3. Kurma nabi - to have an easy birth; always good to eat anyway, very nutricious
  4. Air selusuh (better if made from air zamzam) - for easy birth; but only drink once in labor
  5. Soya milk (alternative: tempe...hihi i loike!) - to have a fair skin baby; but if consumed too much may result in sensitive skin for baby
  6. Manuka honey - i'll take during confinement; MIL said will heals the cut faster; good also if take during pregnancy
  7. Raisins - good for baby's brain
  8. Neurogain - erkk this is actually the supplement given by dr but it's good for baby's brain so i want to put this in the list as well in case I forget the name later...hihihi

I guess that's all that I remember for now. Will add more if there is any other advice from anybody who is very concern about me...hihi but just to remind again please don't quote me on the benefits of eating those food as listed above. Those are just came from friends, families, google (hihi), etc. There are not scientifically true (at least not yet for me :)) But we shall see - really interested on the dimples from pomegranate...hehehe

Ok toodles for now...yup2 this is more entry for today ;p

we miss u...

Ok2 fine...actually the mama yg miss the daddy so much. But the baby pun like so restless since daddy left for LA. When mama sleep she doesn't sleep, when mama doesn't sleep she also doesn't sleep...huhu missing the daddy la tu i guess. But during noon just now she slept for a while, same sleeping time with daddy :)

Ok2 fine maybe it's my imagination ;p but true tau...hehe pandai la mama ni merekacipta cerita kan ;p

Anyways baby dear, this morning daddy said that he bought u some Osh Kosh clothes!!! Yippie!!! Mama also so happy!!! Hehe daddy said the clothes cantik :) Can't wait to see la. Exactly 1 week to go! :)

Mama ni cam tak biasa je kena tinggal kan. Every week daddy kat JB tu rilek je mama...huhu don't know why. Maybe it's because the thought that abg is so far away at the side of the world makes me miss him so much.

Ok lah want to wait for my darling's call. He'll wake up anytime soon. It's almost subuh time there. Baby, jom tunggu daddy o call :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

safe journey daddy...

Daddy is currently on the jetplane...huhu leaving mama n baby here in kl. Can't wait to talk to daddy once he reach LA around 3 am (hopefully i'm not so mamai during this time...hihi). I miss abg so terribly. Maybe it's because i've been with him for the last one week full. Now i'm really feeling is so active inside there since i had my glucose yesterday (yikesss) for the blood test. Everytime i think of abg n starting to feel sad baby will do the somersault inside there which will make me smile :)) Pandai la baby nak cheer me up!

Btw went to see baby just now with opah n cu. Bumped into so many people there n they all asked about daddy including dr seri...hehe first time went to check up without him :(

Anyways this visit's update:
Baby's weight: 2kg (naik around 0.5kg in 3 weeks)
Mama's weight: 63.8kg (naik 2.2kg in 3 weeks! huhu scary jugak nih)

Baby malu2 nak tunjuk muka kat opah...hihi same like last visit. She's facing at the other side. Can't see the cute face. After this i will have check up for every 2 weeks. Hopefully daddy can join us for the next check up :)

I guess that's all the updates for now. If you are reading this abg, we both miss u sooooo much. Take care ok dear. We'll take care of each other here. Don't worry k :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

@ 31 weeks...

Hihi don't know what to write as the title. And apparently today is the day i turned into 31 weeks preggy (first pregnancy semangat ingat exact week-by-week ;p). Hopefully i'll still cherish n track my future pregnancies like i do now :) hmm which makes me many more pregnancies to go? hihi pregnancies yer not pregnancy...ish2 ape nih melalut.

But anyhow i can say that i really really really enjoy my pregnancy to the bits n don't mind going thru it over n over again! haha marah daddy o ni kalau dia bace ;p but yup it's true...despite of my fat look, unability to fit into my baju kurung n especially kebaya and missing my heels badly, i still enjoy it. It almost comes to the end now...huhu want to cherish these last few weeks of buncit tummy (eceh macam tak biasa pulak ada buncit tummy ;p)

Ok la back to the topic. Erkk what's the topic eh? Haha actually i don't have anything interesting topic to share la. These days i spend most of my times bloghopping rather than blogging (dari dulu pun mmg x rajin blogging btw ;p). But amazing la to see people has so many things and ideas to write about. Almost everyday. But it shud be simple right. Just write a few updates of yourself n there u r, making yet another entry. The point is I'M JUST LAZY!!! Haha and...and...and...i hv a very limited internet access previously...ok that justifies it ;p

Ok so now recent updates:
- got myself a broadband already...from Maxis...yippie!!! so no excuse la to leave this blog idle for long time eh like b4...hihi
- can't wait for weekends coz planning to go to Auntie's house @ Cheneh...long time no see her n family...n Syahmi is still here so can meet him as well...nanti next time jumpa i dah slim ;p n baby is here already! yeay! insyaAllah :)
- daddy o is confirmed going to San Diego next week...nak ikuttt!!! huhu but it's ok la if he manage to get my Medela FS...and also my Coachie hobo bag...hihi bestnyerrr...will be my Coachie #6...hehe but no pressure daddy o! if tak sempat beli pun it's ok...make sure u come home as soon as u finish the FAT k...gonna miss u terribly :(
- currently waiting for daddy o to come home from JB...yeay!!! baby pun suke daddy o nak balik...lompat2 dlm perut mama dari tadi :) insyaAllah we'll see daddy o in 2 hours' time k...
- baby is geting more active everyday...wonder if she gets enough sleep n rest or not...feels like she's moving inside there all the time...even if i wake up in the middle of the night also can feel her moving...wah2 so active la baby mama ni :)

Oh one more interesting update: had done shopping for baby last weekend but still pending a few items to buy. Really had fun la shopping baby stuff :) best2 nak shopping lagi boleh daddy o? Baby yang nak ;p

And now have to make a checklist for my stuff pulak. Selagi larat kaki ini melangkah i'd better do my shopping asap kan...huhu hopefully i'll still have the strength to get all the things needed before the big day :)

Ok lah want to harvest my peppers now...oh this is another activity of mine beside bloghopping ;p

Saturday, October 3, 2009

walking into the last 10 weeks...or less?

wah2 so scary one...10 weeks to go...still haven't go to any antenatal class which i think i n hubby shud coz we really don't know what to expect n how to go thru it in a calm way...fuhhh...

anyways, had another check up just now, the first one after raya so very very neves on the weight...huhu but turned out it was ok (so said the doc)...mama's weight is 61.7 kg (just say it is 62 kg will ya?? ;p) increase by 2 kg in a month...n the lil' one's weight is around 1.4 - 1.6 kg our bundle of joy is really bundling inside there...hihi can't wait to see u darling :) (but mama is so scared...ngee)

btw here are a few of our family raya pics for 2009...yup including u baby inside the tummy...see? see? (cannot see la, mama is still so slim one) hihihi ;p

daddy o n mama @ 6.5 mths preggy - our first raya together as hubby & wifey :)

@ cheras on 1st day raya

with soon to be opah n cu...hihi :p

all in all i enjoyed my raya this year...ate a lot of gooood food...yummy! n the weight gain is not so bad! waaaa boleh sambung raya...hihi

ohh one more update, i got my first anti tetanus shot the butt!!!huhu hopefully that one is the 1st n last one...aiyoo that small needle also scared how la to go thru all the scary labor thingy...huhu but if that what it takes to meet my lil' darling then i can do it!!! :) mmuahhhsss to u baby :)