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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012: Meaning of life

Fuiyoo tajuk tak boleh blah...but this is serious peeps! Please put on your serious faces ;p

So 2012 is leaving us soon. Have we achieved our 2012 resolutions? Or will be carried forward to next year (or next next year) just like mine...hehe

Before I wrap up this year, just to wish my beautiful and smart daughter, Izma Humaira a very very very happy third birthday sayang!!! Yes she just celebrated her third birthday on 8 December and we made a simple mkn2 birthday party for her, first time she celebrated her birthday at our new house :) We just invited our close friends and a few neighbours (exactly my right and left neighbours only ;p) and we had a great time hosting the mkn2 (not really a party). But but but we didn't manage to take any pictures!!! Yes not a single one, and not even the beautiful princess themed birthday cake!!! How bad is that! We were busy layaning our guests, top up the food, took drinks and food for the kids (and for their mommies ;p) and that's it. No pictures. Nope, not a single one.

Since there is no picture available, I can just describe the event (I can even lie and exaggerate about it too ;p). So for the mkn2, I cooked most of the meals (kenapa, tak percaya???). Our menu included fettucine bolognese (supposed to be spaghetti but I bought the wrong pasta which is fettucine...deng!), my signature (ehem ehem) fried meehoon, sate Hj Samuri (of course this one not home cooked one la!), nuggets, and our hit of the party and so they say the crowd pleaser :) (perasan je ni mengaku hit ;p), the chocolate fountain!! Woot~~woot~~~ eh over! But I really really have to admit that this is the simplest but fun dessert to be prepared for those who don’t really enjoy baking cookies or cupcakes or pudding like me…hehe all I need to do is rent the machine and buy the chocolate (I used 2kg++ for my fountain), then buy some marshmallows and fruits and do the ‘cucuking’ to the satay sticks but too bad no pictures on my choc fountain food :(. For fruits we have apples, grapes and strawberries. But it was funny to watch that some kids like to eat just the fruits and marshmallows, without dipping them in the choc fountain. The mommies and daddies that were actually busy dipping theirs at the fountain. So actually the choc fountain was really for the adults. We enjoyed it more than the kids! :)

And also I did a head count, we had total of 52 guests! Not bad for a first time hosting a mkn2! Let’s do this again! Next year! Or next next year ;p

So that’s the update for Izma’s birthday celebration this year. We also brought a cake and goodies for small celebration at her skool on 12 December (amek jugak la aura 12.12.12 tu ;p). But this time I managed to take picture of her birthday cake! Yeayyy!!!

Princess Izma with her favourite Barbie princess and popstar!

And another picture that I managed to save is this pic of Izma’s birthday present! Yeayyyy!!! Loads of toys from generous aunties and uncles!!! Thank you!!!

The biggest present as usual comes from her Pak Ngah, a 3-wheel scooter!! Canggih betul toys budak2 sekarang ni…

Ok enough update on the birthday princess. Balik ke pangkal jalan.

So I wrote 2012: Meaning of life. Indeed 2012 taught me the meaning of life. Especially on the ups and downs moments. When I looked back at first I thought 2012 is really a ‘bad’ year for me. This year I went through a lot of downs moments. I miscarried in August, my father passed away in September. But then when I think again, hey, actually that’s all my downs moments, only 2. They are major definitely but I sure have a lot of major ups moments too to counter back and even to make this year actually a ‘good’ year. To name a few, we finally moved into own house this year, hubby got his Ir. title, Izma went to school (playschool pun kira school yer ;p), I finally got what I want in terms of work related thingy and a lot more to thank for! Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah :)

So yeah 2012 had really taught me the meaning of life. That is, in life you really have to go through the ups and downs. It’s not a complete life if you only have ups moments your entire life. It’s no fun not going through the hard experiences which will make you grow (not sideways ya ;p) and become stronger after every challenge in life. And these downs moments really made me stronger (I hope). My secret of going through any challenges or when I feel really really down and can’t think of anything to make me feel better, I will sing (yes literally ;p) this one song from Hijjaz titled ‘Lukisan Alam’ particularly on the line ‘setitis derita melanda, segunung kurnianNya’. And actually the whole song is really motivating, every word and every line if you go through the song. Ok lah let me sing it for you…muahahaha sila kurangkan volume pc or mute terus. Baca lirik sudah~~~~

Hidup tidak selalunya indah
Langit tak selalu cerah
Suram malam tak berbintang
Itulah lukisan alam
(Begitu aturan Tuhan)

Jadilah rumput nan lemah lembut
Tak luruh dipukul ribut
Bagai karang di dasar lautan
Tak terusik dilanda badai

Dalam suka hitunglah kesyukuranmu
Dalam senang awasi kealfaanmu
Setitis derita melanda
Segunung kurniaanNya

Usah mengharapkan ke segalanya
Dalam perjuangan penuh pengorbanan
Usah dendam berpanjangan
Maafkan kesalahan insan
(Begitu ajaran Tuhan)

Hasbiallah, Hasbunallah
HasbiRabbi jalallahu Ya Allah

Dalam diam taburkanlah baktimu
Dalam tenang buangkanlah amarahmu
Suburkanlah sifat sabar
Di dalam jiwamu itu

It’s so true right, every line in the song? I LOVE this song so much since I was in UTP indeed. So this is my secret weapon when I’m feeling down down down… always count your blessings, definitely they are much more than your small challenges :) So life = hidup tidak selalunya indah – barulah hidup namanya :)

Ok I’m officially ready to leave 2012 behind, or 2012 is leaving me?? How about you? Ready to face more challenges in 2013? Ready to become a stronger Hulk-person? (eh eh over jerit2 budget pakar motivasi lak ;p)

So long 2012, thank you Allah for the life you had given me all this while, please make me a better Muslim in 2013 and the years to come, grant me strength to face Your tests and please bless my family and friends always, Amin…

Welcome 2013!!! Bring it on!!! (hover hokay~~~)