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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sneak peek Seri Bangi

Hello peeps! As usual long time no see 😜. And i think this is the longest ever!!! What happened to me? I don't knowww!!! 😝
Well as an excuse, i was n still am busy moving into our new crib! As if it's not already very obvious in my title, just so u know, we're moving to Bangi!!!!! ✌ Taman Seri Bangi in Seksyen 8, Bandar Baru Bangi to be exact. Wow too much info. Sikit lagi u're gonna get my whole address 😜
And this marks the end of our 3-year nomad life as in always packing and unpacking every single weekend without fail! (well except when hubby is offshore la). My feelings: very very berry nervous to finally 'live on our own'. Always wondering how it'll feel like, how often do we go back to cheras and bangi (in-laws') after this (most probably every week ya 😉), opah n cu will be missing lil' izma (will they?), i hv to do my own laundry (all this while most of the time my mom would take care of this 👍), etc etc.
Put that aside, the biggest fear of all is actually to finally send Izma to a playschool, a very strange place for her and with all the strangerssss. Waaaa we're so scared n worried n nervous n don't want to send her!!!! Ok hover tauuu 😂 And to make it worse, hubby is more scarier, worrier, nervouser than i am and it certainly doesn't help!!!!! Waaaa and it's like 4 days away from today!!!! Waaaaa again!!!!
Ok maybe i'll post one special entry of Izma going to school soon! Eh eh anti climax sungguh 😝
Ok2 back to our title on top, this is about some sneak peak into our new crib ya, not into our fear or nervousness 😁
So here there are some pics that i have. Hubby has so much more ✌

Lights on!

Close up our dry kitchen

My new playground - the wet kitchen

The the cute helpful Izma 👍

My new cool gadget in my playground area

The curtains, fan, sofa and lights
Ok that's all folks!

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