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Friday, October 1, 2010

What's your thinking language?

This is something that my boss shared with me. Well not me alone, he shared this with all of us in my department. He mentioned that you know you are fluent in certain language if you do your thinking in that language. And he mentioned that if you want to be fluent in English which is important for your job (at least in our case…kut ;p) then you have to start thinking in English. So I was like ok that’s easy peasy (peasy? tgk ni awal2 dah tau confirm tak fluent in English lagi ;p). But the truth is it’s not easy!

Actually it’s supposed to be subconsciously done as if you are really thinking in English without you realizing it. However as for my case I think most of the time I do my thinking in my mother’s tongue language, which is not English, obviously. But there are moments when I remembered that “eh, am I already fluent in English?” (I ask myself this in my mother’s tongue language ;p) and then only I start to do my thinking in English, consciously. And it’s difficult! Suddenly I don’t know what to think about and if I have something to think about, I am thinking about it in a very structured English language…haha sounds difficult right? And not natural at all of course ;p

I think as long as we are speaking day to day in our mother’s tongue language or any language in that matter, most of the time we will do our thinking in that same language…kut…hehe because it’s really in your subconscious mind so it’s really hard to find out what language are you thinking in. Or is this case just for me eh? I’m so complicated eh? And I’m still not fluent in English…sigh~~~

Ok to abg and Izma, let’s speak in English from now on! Hehehe yolah tuuu ;p sendiri pun berterabur jangan nak ajar Izma ajaran sesat yer…hahaha but that is something that can be done actually. Will still keep this option open J and also it’s nice to master more than one language right J

So peeps what’s your thinking language?