Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009...greatest year of all!!!
Well, why 2009 is so great for me? Oh for so many reasons...
- I married the love of my life :)
- I got transferred to KL
- I got pregnant...yeay!
- And of course, I gave birth to our beautiful princess...nice closure to a great year right :)
Fuhh...what an achievement in one year huh! That's why 2009 is so special to me and my family :)
But of course despite of all the happiness there is also a not so happy happening in 2009: something work related thingy. But this doesn't bother me much since I am blessed with all the good things above. So I'm still very very very happy this year! :)
Ok, anyways the point is I'm gonna miss 2009 and will remember all the good and nice things happened this year. Hopefully 2010 will bring more joy and happiness to us all.
Goodbye 2009 and welcome 2010 :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
happy 2 weeks young my dear Izma Humaira :)
Last night was the first night I slept with her alone. All this while ayah was around and helped me to put her to bed. But he went back to JB yesterday morning and left me, the nervous mama alone with Izma...hehe and Alhamdulillah I was able to handle her all by myself...yeay! She slept at 12 which is early because usually we only managed to put her to bed at around 1 or 2 am. There was one night that she slept at 4 am! This little girl is truly a night girl...hehe
Anyways, we're still in the process of knowing each other eventhough we had been together for 9 months before :) So I just want to list down what we had learnt about our cute daughter for the past 2 weeks since we met her eye to eye. Here they go:
- she'll cry out aloud when she wet her diapers; be it pee or yak2; nangis bersungguh dgn air mata sume k...
- she smiles in her sleep; usually before going into her deep sleep; so cute, can't wait for the moment that she will actually smile at me :)
- she'll also cry out aloud when she's hungry
- she's very alert to her surroundings; her eyes will go wandering all around looking on the direction if she heard any voice or noise
- she had very strong hands and legs...always kicks her Opah while bathing her...hehe must be because i never missed my calcium pill during preggy time...err i think i did miss once or twice...hihi
- she loooove her bathing time :) a potential good swimmer ;p
- she can drink from bottle already; not so hard training her; clever girl :)
- she hates swaddles; always managed to get her hands out of them; as i mentioned, she's very strong...hehe
- she likes when people hold her; very manja la this girl have to carry her around when she's awake
- she loves listen to ayah's singing; she'll stop crying when ayah carry her and sings (or is it the sign that's she's saying "ok ayah, i'll stop crying if you stop singing") hahaha peace daddy o ;p
- she's so cute!!!!!
Well, that's all that i can think of as of now. Ayah dear, kindly add if I missed anything :)
To izma, ayah is missing u so much. He's keep looking at your pictures in JB. We miss you so much too ayah. Can't wait for thursday! (mama can rest a bit...hehe)
And again, happy 2 weeks young sayang! We had a wonderful 2 weeks of our lives and will have more wonderful times with you -lots of loves from mama & ayah-
Friday, December 11, 2009
baby izma...
We have 2 days left to finalize her name :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009
8.12.2009 5.55 pm, Tuesday, 21 Zulhijjah 1430H
And until now I still can't believe that I'm already a mother!!! Niceeeee :)
Ok I want to skip the update for week 38 because the next day I gave birth already exactly on my 39th week. Oh and I have to change my pregnancy ticker too...please remind me coz right now I have a lotsa other things on my mind due to my upgrade from wife status to now wife and MAMA :)
Well, let's cut the story short while I can still remember my labor journey and while I still have a few minutes before my baby is sent back here after her feeding at the nursery.
I had my check up on Monday afternoon. Dr Seri said my tummy is still high and it will be a while till I can deliver my baby. So relax ye. You can still go to work.haha nice ;p also she told me to walk2 around a lot. Fine, me n hubby went to KLCC after that and have a little tour. Very short walk2 actually because I felt really2 heavy and can't wait to be home.
Then hubby went back to JB that evening around 6pm from KL. At 10.30 pm I discovered the bloody show. Oh no! I'm in labor already? Nahhh Dr Seri said if there's a show it can be another week before I deliver. So I just relax myself and trying to get back to sleep. But at 11 pm I already started to feel the contraction. I tried to time the contractions since then and they were 10 minutes apart consistently. Waaa by that time I know that I'm already in labor, for real! So the whole night until morning I was struggling with the contraction every 10 minutes. Everytime I almost drifted into sleep, a new wave will come. Just can't describe the pain. But the closest feeling that I felt was like having a period pain but a little bit stronger, and of course every 10 minutes ;p
So the next morning still struggling with the pain, I called hubby and asked him to standby. But I didn't want to rush him coz I'm afraid that it was a false alarm and said will confirmed with him once I reached PCMC. So mama took me to PCMC and when I described to them what I've been going thru the night before, they sent me to the labor room right away.
They checked and I was already 4cm dilated. Dr Seri came, broke my water bag (i was flooding the hospital ;p) and then it was 5cm at around 8.30am. Meanwhile hubby was speeding from JB...hehe poor bambam tak sempat rest pun...
Then the longest ever labor took place. I was having 'mild' contraction all the time until 4pm (it was 'mild' because comparing to the contraction that I was having after 4pm until the delivery it was wayyyyyyy too mild...haha...that contraction I can't describe...huhu). But until 4pm I was only 7cm dilated...huhu what a progress ;p So they drip me to make the contraction stronger and the rest was history...haha can't describe it. But very very very luckily I have bambam by my side as the 'gas supplier'. Haha just took his hands and sniff the 'laughing' gas (but I'm totally not laughing kay ;p)
Then I was in my own world together with my contraction. Oh and also with the gas ;p
The next thing I know I heard someone said 'ok 10 cm already'. Waaaaaa I was like 'did I hear what I just heard?????' Because all the time before that I only heard 'still 7cm la', 'baru 8cm','eh tak la, still 7', 'ok now it's 8', 'no it's still 7'....hahaha seriously tau ;p
So after that I really wanted to push but they said have to wait for Dr Seri...huhuhu doc, doc, where are you? Why are you so relax when I was sooooo not? Then after that finally they asked me to push and after about 3-4 times, I heard 'haaa Alhamdulillah dah keluar dah....' hihihi and I was soooooooo relieved......fuhhhhhh! And it was 5.55pm, 8 December 2009 (the date that I whispered baby to come out because I liked the number 8.12 remind me of my hantaran of 8182...hihihi and she listened to me! Good girl la baby! I love you!!! Mmuahhhh...
So that's the story that I want to remember forever and ever. Beautiful story of the day my beautiful daughter was born :)
p/s: will post the pics later...she got a lot of them already :))
Sunday, December 6, 2009
up to date
Here's the update that I can still remember:
Mama's weight: 67 kg!!! (pls stop increasing boleh tak?)
Baby's weight: 3.2 kg (gain 500g in 1 week! sihat baby mama ni)
Oh btw my weight also actually increase by 500g so that means it's totally from the baby. Hehe not mine k ;p
During the check up Daddy O was there (after he missed 3 check-ups) and baby put a really nice show for him. We got to see her cute little fingers as she sucked her thumb into her mouth (at least it looked like it ;p) hehe so cute la baby :)
Other updates: my Braxton Hicks is very frequent nowadays (now only I know that the harden stomach is actually Braxton Hicks...hehe) and baby will sleep after 'practicing' the contractions. Pity her must be tired...
Ok lah, that's all for now. Looking forward for tomorrow and Daddy O will be there too to see u baby! Make sure u put a nice show for us k...mmuahhhhh
Monday, November 23, 2009
37 weeks n counting~~~
Forgot la to put update on my last visit last week. So here's the udates:
Mama's weight: 66.4 kg (INCREASE by around 2 kg!!! - of course kene bebel dgn doc ;p)
Baby's weight: 2.7 - 3 kg (just nice for her age :) good girl baby)
Doc even said to baby "Baby naik berat just nice ok, jgn naik byk2 macam mummy tu" haha sabar je la my doc ni tau...suka perli2 i ;p
Btw, i'm actually starting to feel 'kaluter' day by day. Haven't pack my emergency bag yet...huhu just have another round of shopping spree with hubby last saturday n bought baby a nice white baby cot! Love it! :)
So, here's my checklist (yet to buy item n also don't know yet when to buy~~~huhu):
1) barut baby - super important n must buy by this week
2) breastpump - maybe will get it by nx week after my check up on monday
3) thick socks - if tak sempat looks like have to borrow from hubby...he got a lot of them...hehe boleh kan bambam? wink*wink*
4) air selusuh - have to get this done by end of this week
5) a few more newborn baby clothes - if larat must drop by at jusco tomorrow
6) nursing bras - super duper important too n have to get them by this week
7) etc. etc. etc.
Waaaaa actually i thnk i got a longer list than the above n they are all super duper important!!!!! my energy is decreasing right now but there's still so more to do...huhuhu ok 1 thing at a time...gonna pack that emergency bag now...chow cincau~~~~~
-the kalut me-
Saturday, October 31, 2009
LeTteR foR mY DadDy :)
how are you daddy? i hope you are fine.mama and i are fine here.we miss you very much.i haven't heard your voice for a week now.i hope i can hear you again next wednesday.mama said we'll come home early next wednesday to see you! (don't tell her boss ;p)
mama said you bought me more osh kosh clothes.yeay!!! i like!!! don't forget to bring back all the clothes ok :)
auntie azra has just delivered a little baby girl this morning.can we see her next weekend daddy?please daddy please...please...^~^ and also mama wants to shop for my things with you once you are back :)
ok daddy mama wants to read me a story book take care ok.and good morning to you! i'm going to sleep soon.have a nice day daddy!
mama and i love you very very much...
- your super duper cute baby -
p/s: mama said today is the date both of you declared as a couple...happy 4th couple anniversary!!!hihihi ;p
Thursday, October 29, 2009
rindunyer kat bambam~~~
...i miss him singing black's song aku rindu sayang kamu (most of the time out of tune and turned out to sound like a nasyid song...hihi)~
...i miss him putting my 'tokin' for me before i go to bed~
...i miss him lying beside me on the bed and we'll stay clinging to each other without talking (this is actually to make me melt so that he can play PS3 without feeling guilty 10 minutes later ;p)~
...i miss him putting me to bed eventhough i'm not really sleepy (actually same reason as above - so that he can proceed to his lover #3 a.k.a. PS3 peacefully and without feeling guilty having me watching him play sambil buat muka kesian org tak layan ^~^)~ owhh btw lover #1 and #2 sure la me n baby~
...i miss looking at him dancing before he goes to shower and after he comes back from shower~
...i miss his 'mengigau' in the middle of the night (which sometimes could really scares me...hihi)~
...i miss him tidying up the room every night (i think i miss this one the most ;p kalau tiba2 bambam balik without 24 hours notice pasti pengsan tengok bilik nih...huhu)~
...i miss him rubbing my stomach and talking to the baby (i'm sure baby misses this too)~
...i miss avoiding his little janggut when he tries to rub that against my skin...huhu tak suke tau ;p~
...i miss him helping me harvest my fruits/vege/crops at my farm...err virtual farm a.k.a. farmville...hihi now i don't have the mood to plant anything...the farm had been a dessert for almost a week now~
...i miss looking at him studying himself at the mirror...hehe especially when he just bought a new t-shirt or laptop bag...haha sure nak try and rasa bergaya depan cermin (memang bergaya pun my bambam ni :))~
...i miss his coughing~
...but most of all...i miss him!!! i miss my bambam~~~
btw bambam is my beloved hubby - name due to his ketembaman now ;)
bambam dear, balik la cepat...tinggalkan je turbine tu suruh harris yg tgk sampai habis...hihi sukati je kan...marah wife harris nanti~~~
p/s: all the while i'm writing this, baby is kicking so hard...i guess she's saying 'mama janganlah sedih, baby kan ada kat sini :)' my sweet baby~~~
ok mama tak sedih dah :)
to bambam, we're dedicating this song to you (so that you can sing this correctly next time ;p)
Owhhh sungguh the true~~~
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
message in a bottle for daddy~~~
i miss you very much.please come home before 4th november so that you can see me on 5th november together with mama.and also don't forget to bring back my cute osh kosh clothes ok.mama said you bought me a lot of nice clothes.thanks daddy! :)
ok lah, mama said don't disturb you coz you are sleeping right now.we will wait for your call before we sleep tonight.can't wait!
so take care ok daddy.don't worry too much about us.we are very healthy here (especially mama la ;p) good night and sweet dreams :)) i love you so much.mama also said she loves you very much...
lots of loves n hugs n kisses,
- your super cute baby -
Monday, October 26, 2009
food for the big preggy tummy~~~
Actually I intend to do this entry for today but just now so emotional on missing abg so have to write that entry first...hehe now just remembered my original intention ;p
I just want to record all the food that I should eat or so called the good-for-pregnancy food since lately there are so many advices for me to eat this and that from friends, families, etc. So I just want to jot them down as a note for my next pregnancIES...ngeh2 ;p
The benefit of eating these food are various for different person who recommends me to them so I'm also not sure why I have to eat them...hehe but hey, no harm done right? They are good food indeed and in a way it's kind of forcing me to eat them because of their 'nutritions'.
Ok2 before I babbling more and forget the list, I'd better jot down the list now. So here they go:
- Young coconut water (air kelapa muda) - for baby's smooth skin and thick hair
- Pomegranate (buah delima) - to have a beautiful baby with dimples (seriously, dimples??? layan je laaaa ;p); prevent brain trauma for baby during birth
- Kurma nabi - to have an easy birth; always good to eat anyway, very nutricious
- Air selusuh (better if made from air zamzam) - for easy birth; but only drink once in labor
- Soya milk (alternative: tempe...hihi i loike!) - to have a fair skin baby; but if consumed too much may result in sensitive skin for baby
- Manuka honey - i'll take during confinement; MIL said will heals the cut faster; good also if take during pregnancy
- Raisins - good for baby's brain
- Neurogain - erkk this is actually the supplement given by dr but it's good for baby's brain so i want to put this in the list as well in case I forget the name later...hihihi
I guess that's all that I remember for now. Will add more if there is any other advice from anybody who is very concern about me...hihi but just to remind again please don't quote me on the benefits of eating those food as listed above. Those are just came from friends, families, google (hihi), etc. There are not scientifically true (at least not yet for me :)) But we shall see - really interested on the dimples from pomegranate...hehehe
Ok toodles for now...yup2 this is more entry for today ;p
we miss u...
Ok2 fine maybe it's my imagination ;p but true tau...hehe pandai la mama ni merekacipta cerita kan ;p
Anyways baby dear, this morning daddy said that he bought u some Osh Kosh clothes!!! Yippie!!! Mama also so happy!!! Hehe daddy said the clothes cantik :) Can't wait to see la. Exactly 1 week to go! :)
Mama ni cam tak biasa je kena tinggal kan. Every week daddy kat JB tu rilek je mama...huhu don't know why. Maybe it's because the thought that abg is so far away at the side of the world makes me miss him so much.
Ok lah want to wait for my darling's call. He'll wake up anytime soon. It's almost subuh time there. Baby, jom tunggu daddy o call :)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
safe journey daddy...
Btw went to see baby just now with opah n cu. Bumped into so many people there n they all asked about daddy including dr seri...hehe first time went to check up without him :(
Anyways this visit's update:
Baby's weight: 2kg (naik around 0.5kg in 3 weeks)
Mama's weight: 63.8kg (naik 2.2kg in 3 weeks! huhu scary jugak nih)
Baby malu2 nak tunjuk muka kat opah...hihi same like last visit. She's facing at the other side. Can't see the cute face. After this i will have check up for every 2 weeks. Hopefully daddy can join us for the next check up :)
I guess that's all the updates for now. If you are reading this abg, we both miss u sooooo much. Take care ok dear. We'll take care of each other here. Don't worry k :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
@ 31 weeks...
But anyhow i can say that i really really really enjoy my pregnancy to the bits n don't mind going thru it over n over again! haha marah daddy o ni kalau dia bace ;p but yup it's true...despite of my fat look, unability to fit into my baju kurung n especially kebaya and missing my heels badly, i still enjoy it. It almost comes to the end now...huhu want to cherish these last few weeks of buncit tummy (eceh macam tak biasa pulak ada buncit tummy ;p)
Ok la back to the topic. Erkk what's the topic eh? Haha actually i don't have anything interesting topic to share la. These days i spend most of my times bloghopping rather than blogging (dari dulu pun mmg x rajin blogging btw ;p). But amazing la to see people has so many things and ideas to write about. Almost everyday. But it shud be simple right. Just write a few updates of yourself n there u r, making yet another entry. The point is I'M JUST LAZY!!! Haha and...and...and...i hv a very limited internet access previously...ok that justifies it ;p
Ok so now recent updates:
- got myself a broadband already...from Maxis...yippie!!! so no excuse la to leave this blog idle for long time eh like b4...hihi
- can't wait for weekends coz planning to go to Auntie's house @ Cheneh...long time no see her n family...n Syahmi is still here so can meet him as well...nanti next time jumpa i dah slim ;p n baby is here already! yeay! insyaAllah :)
- daddy o is confirmed going to San Diego next week...nak ikuttt!!! huhu but it's ok la if he manage to get my Medela FS...and also my Coachie hobo bag...hihi bestnyerrr...will be my Coachie #6...hehe but no pressure daddy o! if tak sempat beli pun it's ok...make sure u come home as soon as u finish the FAT k...gonna miss u terribly :(
- currently waiting for daddy o to come home from JB...yeay!!! baby pun suke daddy o nak balik...lompat2 dlm perut mama dari tadi :) insyaAllah we'll see daddy o in 2 hours' time k...
- baby is geting more active everyday...wonder if she gets enough sleep n rest or not...feels like she's moving inside there all the time...even if i wake up in the middle of the night also can feel her moving...wah2 so active la baby mama ni :)
Oh one more interesting update: had done shopping for baby last weekend but still pending a few items to buy. Really had fun la shopping baby stuff :) best2 nak shopping lagi boleh daddy o? Baby yang nak ;p
And now have to make a checklist for my stuff pulak. Selagi larat kaki ini melangkah i'd better do my shopping asap kan...huhu hopefully i'll still have the strength to get all the things needed before the big day :)
Ok lah want to harvest my peppers now...oh this is another activity of mine beside bloghopping ;p
Saturday, October 3, 2009
walking into the last 10 weeks...or less?
anyways, had another check up just now, the first one after raya so very very neves on the weight...huhu but turned out it was ok (so said the doc)...mama's weight is 61.7 kg (just say it is 62 kg will ya?? ;p) increase by 2 kg in a month...n the lil' one's weight is around 1.4 - 1.6 kg our bundle of joy is really bundling inside there...hihi can't wait to see u darling :) (but mama is so scared...ngee)
daddy o n mama @ 6.5 mths preggy - our first raya together as hubby & wifey :)
@ cheras on 1st day raya
with soon to be opah n cu...hihi :p
all in all i enjoyed my raya this year...ate a lot of gooood food...yummy! n the weight gain is not so bad! waaaa boleh sambung raya...hihi
ohh one more update, i got my first anti tetanus shot the butt!!!huhu hopefully that one is the 1st n last one...aiyoo that small needle also scared how la to go thru all the scary labor thingy...huhu but if that what it takes to meet my lil' darling then i can do it!!! :) mmuahhhsss to u baby :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
rendang raya 2009
ok2 well here's the recipe while it's still fresh in my mind (i hope it still there ;p)
1. special rempah - consists of ketumbar, jintan manis n jintan putih; fried without oil then blended
2. coconut milk - very thick one
3. red onion, garlic, ginger - all sliced very thinly
4. lemongrass - blended/tumbuk
5. lengkuas - tumbuk
6. kerisik
7. daun kunyit
8. all the spices - kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, etc. (hihi can't remember ;p)
9. dried chillies - blended
10. beef - put some kunyit n salt
how to make:
1. heat some oil and put item 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9; cook until well cooked..hehe
2. put item 10 and cook until dry n beef soft
3. put item 7
4. followed by item 2 n cook until dry up
5. finally item 6
n....don't forget salt!!! secukup rasa yer :)
well that's all for now...i'm suppose to learn on how to change this boring blog layout...hihi gotta go googling now :) till then, selamat hari raya!!!
p/s: it's my 1st raya with hubby n baby (still inside - no need baju raya yet :)); next yr raya our theme colour will be pink (follow baby)...hihi boleh kan abg syg? ;)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
fasting n birthday @ 6 months
so 5 days already past since i celebrated my 2*th b'day which was on 31st August...1st time celebrate as a wife but really celebrate it only after breaking the fast la...hubby brought me to break fast buffet at KL Tower revolving restaurant :) very very nice and i was so happy n excited since that was my first visit to the KL Tower...yup2 seriously my 1st ever visit...haha name je org kl but all this while never been to KL Tower...yeah i know pathetic...i think i just took that place for granted since i'm a KLian n the KL Tower will be there anytime i feel like going...hihi besides i really don't know what to look for there (obviously people go there to go up the tower right ;p)
but anyway hubby reserved the break fast buffet there earlier n ask them to have our table near the window so that we can see the view of KL from up there...totally nice but only after maghrib because during daylight it just looks like a building jungle...not very nice buildings actually...but during the night the view was superb thanks to all the lights n what not...baru la nampak cam city sket :)
oh btw b4 that during the day hubby's car got problem with its battery so after changing the battery he said he was going out just to drive the car around to make sure that it's already ok n stable...turns out he went to KLCC n bought me a Coach handbag as a b'day pressie!!! very nice...i heart it soooooo much!!! so my b'day pressie this year is the same as last year la...hihi that makes it my Coachie #5 :)) - not really a collector yet lah...hihi so i went to KL Tower that night wearing my new Coach...niceeee :)
p/s: my b'day pressie shud be the Medela FS breastpump but since i can't book it yet until my due date is near so i think that's why hubby find an alternative pressie...hihi again, lucky me! (but not to worry, i'm still going to get the breastpump yer :)) hahaha
ok that's it on my b'day update for this yr...hehe all in all i was sooo happy to celebrate it with hubby...thank u sooo much abg for everything!!! luv u darling! ;)
so today we had my check up for week weight increase by 0.8 kg ONLY due to fasting...yeay!!! the baby is still a girl :) n dr seri said she has the daddy o's nose...hehe good2...don't follow mama's k...hihi n this time around her weight is already around 811 no wonder la mama jalan really slow je lately is getting heavier's ok as long as she's healthy :)
hopefully from now on i can maintain my weight gain like that...huhu have to continue fasting after raya (erkkk i don't think so ;p)
ok lah till then, happy fasting (15 days to go, yeay!!!) n maybe an early selamat hari raya since i know i'll be soooo lazy to put any update here later...huhuhu
to baby darling, we'll see u again next month k...stay cute n healthy orait...n keep that nose held high...hehehe ape la pesanan penaja nih ;p
Saturday, August 15, 2009
it's a bird, it's a plane, opsss no bird there ;p
btw just to update on the visit to see our cute baby last week :)
few days b4 the visit i told our baby not to be shy2 when we visit n guess what? our baby did just that! hehehe our baby finally revealed her gender!!! oh btw while telling our baby not to be shy2 we also made a promise to buy him/her cute clothes right after the visit if we know the gender (maybe this is actually working...hihi)
so, after looking just for a while for the sign, insyaAllah our baby is going to be a 'she'!!!!! :) she slightly open her legs just enough for us to peek thru instead of crossing her legs like during previous visits...hehe so it takes only a minute for dr seri to tell that it's a girl! or at least she thought that it's a girl since there is no bird in view...haha very cute little girl :)
so as promised, after the visit we went to pavillion n bought her a cute newborn white gown with cute pink ribbons :)) hope u like it darling!!! i know i loveeee it...hihi of course la mama yg pilih kan ;p
but i can't buy more clothes yet for the moment since it has some risks there if the doc told u that u're having a girl since it's still early to tell can be a boy but doesn't show his manhood yet...hehe but if doc tell u that it's a boy then the chance is it's almost we'll wait for 2-3 visits to confirm, then start our shopping spree...yeehuuuuu!!!!!
n also her weight in week 21 is 436 gram n i gained another 3 kg this month!!! total mama's weight gain to date = 9 kg (dgn bangganya yer ;p)
sekarang mama n daddy o tgh memerah otak untuk memilih nama :) daddy got a lot of ideas already...wait n see laaaa :)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
walking at 20 weeks~~~
but it's me to blame right...looking at my eating habit nowadays...huhu i'm trying to control myself me it's not easy k...hihi n i also want to control my spicy food consumption...i'm so worried that lately i don't really taste the 'hot' taste of the spicy food...all food are not spicy enough which makes me want to hv more spicy food...huhu i guess there's s'thing wrong with my tongue 'hot n spicy' area...hihi whatever that means ;p hopefully baby won't feel the 'hot' taste from the food that i provide him/her...
baby is very behave him/herself inside there since i'm here in JB with daddy o for the whole week...not much movement...daddy o garang ek baby...hihi stay cute n healthy ok sayang! we'll see u next saturday insyaAllah :))
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
walking the journey of second trimester...
1. very forgetful lately...well i think i already mentioned that right? opss...forgot laaa ;p
2. the 'night sickness' is gone...yeay me!!! :)
3. backache is the conquerer of all...huhu luckily i'm saved by the calcium pill everyday
4. eat a lot...well this shouldn't be in the list since this is forever a syndrome, pregnant or no pregnant...hahaha
5. feels the baby kicking already (at least i think so it's the kicking...hehe) - feels like there are thousands of butterflies in there :)
that's all that i can remember for now...basically i'm sooo enjoying my second trimester journey coz i have the energy to do everything since the 'night sickness' is gone :)
latest update mama n baby during last visit to PCMC:
1. baby's weight - 200 g
2. mama's weight gain - 3 kg in one month!!!!! (kene marah dgn doc tau ;p)
so the question is, where do that 2.8 kg went??? muahahaha...i want to blame the Sangobion which i believe had increased my appetite...huhu now i'm taking it only once in 3 days instead of everyday for last for weight gain during next check-up - strictly 1 kg max only!!!
3. baby still shy2 to show that thing under...still maintain his/her leg position like the previous check up...but baby plays with his/her hands a lot...very active one according to doc...keep it up darling! :)
mama is getting sleepy now...but i think baby just woke up n having his/her 'morning' exercise in mama's tummy :) insyaAllah we'll see u again on 8 august k baby...luv u...mmuahhh~~~
Saturday, June 27, 2009
so the ingreients:
1. pucuk ubi
2. daun labu
3. daun kunyit
4. cili padi
5. ikan bilis
6. pati santan
7. tempoyak
8. sugar n salt secukup rasa
9. petai
10. serbuk kunyit/kunyit hidup
it's depend on u on how much to put for each ingredient...hehe kira everything is secukup rasa la...if u want more pedas then put more cili padi, if want more tempoyak then put a lt of them...but from my observation (ye saya hanyalah tukang observe pada waktu itu) the pucuk ubi is the most to be put (hence the title of the recipe la kan ;p)
so how u do it? it's very simple actually...i mean very very simple...just cut item 1,2,3 into very very small pieces...while u hv somebody to do that (hehe it's quite time consuming), u can tumbuk ikan bilis, kunyit hidup (no need if u use serbuk kunyit ;p) n cili padi n put in the kuali...then put all ur dauns n pucuks which had been cut into the kuali as well...followed by petai, pati santan n tempoyak...then turn on the gas n stir slowly until it's cooked...n don't forget ur sugar n salt...n that's it! ready to be served :)
for the moment i don't hv the pic...finished all already b4 thinking of taking a pic...see la if rajin next time i cook it, i'll try to remember to snap a pic n upload here k...the last time my MIL cooked it (well it's more like the first n last time for me as of now), that time i was still in miri...i came back for the weekend n she packed me one tupperware of that for me to be brought back to miri...n i ate them for 3 straight days without the feel of boringness of the dish...hihi niceeee...the memory brings back all the saliva in my mouth now...nyum...nyum! now wondering when again my MIL will cook it...hmm...
p/s: preggy update - now having a severe backache almost everytime, everywhere...but just enjoysss la kan :) oh n also sneezing n coughing are also accompanying me everytime, everywhere...anything for my baby :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
10 things...
1. he always sleep talking (or rather sleep screaming) at night...always means like almost every night...hehe at first i was so shocked and scared when i heard he's talking to me while sleeping but now i'm so used to it that i actually disappointed if he don't sleep talk at one of the nights...hehe the funny thing is he always wants me to respond to him when he talks so sometimes i just responding by saying "yeah...yeah...u r right" eventhough he makes no sense at all...hihi this is the most interesting fact that i learned about hubby :)
2. favourite food: KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, ayam goreng kentucky (yup i purposely write 3 times to emphasize his most favourite food), nasi putih + sup ayam/sup tulang + telur dadar (must be in this complete set), ayam penyet, tomyam ayam putih, nasi lemak la my cooking skills will be limited to these dishes only (except the KFC la ;p)...hehe nice kan...i'm so lucky :)
3. favourite drinks: orange juice, teh tarik, coke, teh o...all easily prepared (or bought) kan :)
4. he is a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt if any of u guys r dropping by any hard rock cafe store around the world, pls buy me a hard rock cafe t-shirt k...his size is M (as of now ;p)...i'll pay u...hihi if i'm not mistaken his current collection - Kuala Lumpur, Houston, San Diego, Hollywood
5. he's so into guitar, in fact he's so famous at the office as the guitarist of his dept's band...hihi well, i knew this already b4 we got married but only after i married him that i truly knew his passion towards that nice body instruments with all those strings...he's good at it n i love watching him play his guitar...i'll melt everytime ;)
6. he takes really great care of all his things...he keep them very carefully...i think extra careful compared to me...hihi this is why i don't mind if he buys expensive things (it's his money anyway ;p) becoz i know that he'll take good care of those stuff
7. this one i like...he likes to help me tidying my room!!! yeay!!! n of course he's the one who will tidy his room...well for those who r confuse, we r not sleeping in separate room but now as we still practically living with both our parents, so practically we hv 2 rooms - 1 at my mom's n 1 at my parents-in-law' if i'm tired (or pretend to be ;p) he'll help tidying the rooms...nice kan :)
8. favourite football team: glory glory man united!!! the red devils, etc...i don't believe i know all these stuff these days...huhu i'm sooo not into these any of u found any nice Man U t-shirt, pls buy 1 for me k...i'll mentioned his size is M (as of now ;p)
9. favourite jeans: Levi's only...size 30...opss this is b4 we got it's proudly upgraded to 31 :)
10. work pants n shirts: Dockers n Padini (size 30 n S respectively, as of now)
all in all i think hubby is a simple person n easy to take care of...hihi but i love his simplicity sooo much!!! n i love him dearly :))
p/s: we went to see our baby just now...he/she is getting bigger now...around 9 cm...we love u cute baby!!! mmuahhhh!!! c u again on 11's 1 day after daddy's burfday so don't shy2 to show us that thing under ok as daddy's burfday present :) hihihi
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
food...come to me bebeh!!!
But luckily for the whole of last week my bambam hubby was around n he had helped me to ‘clean’ up the food :) thanks a lot abam (abg bambam) for not letting me feel guilty for not finishing up all the food. Actually it’s kind of weird seeing him like that becoz all this while he didn’t usually finished up my food (coz usually it’s vice versa ;p) so I was a bit shock to see that he was willing to eat my balance food. Maybe it’s becoz he’s looking into all the money he had spent on the food n feel such a waste to leave them like that..hehe whatever it is the result is now his belly is expanding faster than mine…hehe jgn marah abam :) he has a belly of a 4-month preggy mom…it’s cute though (saje jaga hati ;p). Just keep on helping me eat up all the food k darling..until I get my ‘eat spirit’ again n when that time comes u hv to guard ur food carefully b4 it gets into my belly…hehe can’t wait for that time :)
Just to recall what nice meals that I had for the past 2 wks (konon2 mengidam but mostly didn’t finish them though..huhu): Beriani kambing @ JM Beriani House, TGI Friday’s cheeseburger n fried mac & cheese, Madam Kwan’s Nasi Bojari, sate kajang Hj Samuri, Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa (hubby ate 2 plates), tosai kat kedai mamak bangi, KFC (hubby yg mengidam), n a few more places that I couldn’t really recall (preggy woman forgetfulness syndrome ;p). Hubby went back to PG this morning. I hv to finish my food by myself from now on..…until Friday…yeay! he’s coming back again for the weekend :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
1st trip to PCMC
last tuesday Mama n Daddy O hv our 1st visit to PCMC to check on u, baby darling :) daddy drove all the way from JB that morning n drove back to JB right that evening just to see schweet kan daddy :) baby also get to hv b'fast n lunch with daddy..yeay!!!
after we parked our car at the so 'KLCC parking lot', we went to the front of PCMC and excitedly sanitized our hands..hehe even the receptionist also said we're good coz we had sanitized b4 she asked us to :p then we took the elevator to level 6...the view from the the elevator was so nice..the interior looks a little bit like Maya Hotel..with a nice fountain :)
level 6 is the women n children specialist floor so it was full with pregnant ladies n babies :) we even met fizah who is 7 n half month pregnant...firstly the nurse took my BP (100/70), weight (i gained 2 kg..huhu), height (didn't gain any ;p) n supposedly my urine but i had just peed right b4 that so i had none left to donate to her...hehe next time i'll remember to ask for the bottle b4 throwing away that precious liquid ;p
then shortly after that, we had our very first meeting with Dr Seri...very nice n friendly :) she did most of the talking since we were quite blur on how the session should be...then after a short 'interview' on my medical background, she said "let's take a look at ur baby"...this is the best part of the visit :) there u r baby, lying (or bouncing) safely in my womb n u r getting bigger this week (2.24 cm)...we got to see ur head (the biggest part..hihi), ur body n also ur limbs...ohh n the yolk too which is currently being ur food supply...n the most amazing part was we also got to hear ur heartbeat!!! it was really fast around 160+...we were so amazed with the ultrasound machine...hehe
so all in all, u r the most cutest baby in the world n we love u so much darling!!! can't wait for our next visit to PCMC to see u again on 13 june...just stay cute n healthy in there ok!!! :)
n to daddy, thank u so much for being there with us...i'm so touched...luv u abg!! mmuahh!!! :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
walking the journey of first trimester
so, to begin with, the most obvious thing is that i eat a lot nowadays...i mean really really a lot ok...hehe well i don't know if u can consider that as one of the 1st trimester syndromes...i think it's just me...haha ;p it's just an excuse that one is out ya...hehe
so here's the list of my syndromes just so that i can cherish these experiences n compare with my other pregnancies to come later (hihihi ;p):
- morning sickness during night this shud be night sickness la...hehe i'll start feeling dizzy usually right after mahgrib prayer...but i know the trick already, i just hv to fill up my stomach asap b4 that dizziness comes...then it'll come mildly or won't come at all...hehe nice trick huh! it's so good i'm here at home now as dinner is ready once i got back from work...thanks to Mama :)
- i'm currently waiting anxiously for that 'vomitting' time to come as people said u'll start vomitting once u enter 8 weeks of pregnancy or earlier...i hope it won't come for my far so good :)
- i'll be very hungry in the early morning when i'm getting ready for work...the hunger pang is so intolerable that i hv to eat s'thing immediately once it comes which is usually after my subuh prayer...what i do: hv a slice of butterscotch bread or 2 pcs of digestive biscuits...then the hunger will go as soon as it is so unpatient for his/her first meal of the day...hihi
- hunger will struck me any time of the day, anywhere n it can't wait even for a i must ready anything edible near me at all time...u shud see my workstation at the office...a lot of food ok...(that doesn't include the ones inside my file cabinet yet ;p)
- feeling of ready to vomit but i won't's only nausea especially after a heavy meal...i shud take frequent smaller meals instead of few big meals...i'm doing that but it's more to frequent big meals...haha combination of both :)
- while eating, it's really enough when it's enough...somehow nowadays my body knows when to stop eating n i hv to stop immediately when the signal comes...or else i just can't take the food anymore...cannot go already eventhough i don't feel that full yet...i'll feel like throwing up instead...huhu
well, that's all the syndromes that i can think of right now...still waiting for my 'glorious' moment of vomitting which people usually will lose some weight during this time...hehe just to cover my guilt of eating too much now...huhu but it'll be nice if that 'glorious' moment doesn't come at all...i'll control my eating habit to compensate for the weight gain, if any (yeah, right ;p)
as for the baby, we'll see u again insyaAllah this Tuesday with Dr Sri @ PCMC...really can't wait! make sure u show urself ok :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
love at the first sight...
i went for my first ultrasound check up just now at Pusat Rawatan Islam An-Nisa' in Bukit Cheras since the ING guys were super slow in producing my GL to Prince Court (PCMC)...n so is my HR...super duper slow in updating my status to ING...huhu so we took our own initiative to have the first scan at any clinic that have the ultrasound scanner (i made up this machine's name ;p) n thank God it's not as expensive as we thought...hihi
btw one more news...during the scan, the doc also thought she saw s'thing else in my womb, most probably a fibroid :( the size is about the size of the sac which is around 3 cm...however from her observation, the location of the fibroid is not at the uterus 'door' so it might not affect my pregnancy...but still i need to refer to O&G specialist for further analysis...hopefully we managed to hv an appointment at PCMC next Saturday...for the time being i'll just relax n take care of my baby as much as i can k...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
double joy this April :))
i have very very very exciting updates to share for this month...this is not an april fool k...hihi
so how do i begin?? hmm let's walk with me one step at a time k :)
i got my transfer letter this month!!! how exciting!!! Alhamdulillah...all our efforts (me n hubby) and prayers are at last bear the fruit that we want all's not easy ok hence we're reaaaally happy about it...eventhough i'm still be far apart from my hubby during weekdays but the distance is still tolerable for us to meet every weekend n we can DRIVE ok!!haha save all our money buying my flight tickets every week b4 this...yup, every week...hihi mmg bankrap :p
so i'll be reporting to my new dept on 17 April as an Executive Project Independant Review...don't ask me what i'll be doing becoz i really don't have any idea...haha we'll figure out on 17 April ok...i know it'll definitely be totally different with my current work as an electrical engineer (duhh...see the title la...different already maaa) so it's mysterious n make me excited also :) hopefully i can perform better on this new post since that's what i asked for, right...insyaAllah :))
this is really the unexpected surprise for me this month...but its really really really makes me n hubby sooooo excited...the surprise is that i'm currently 4 weeks pregnant!!! Alhamdulillah :) exciting news kan? hihi this becomes more exciting becoz i'm actually so confident that i won't get pregnant this month becoz hubby was so sick during my so called 'fertile' period last month n we don't really...u know...haha :p but this is all Allah's say n we can't really predict anything based on our own judgement...Subhanallah...
well, here how i found out...i wasn't that late when i do the home pregnancy test...only 3 days late but my hands were so itchy to do it...i actually drove all the way from office to Bintang Mall at 5 pm (more than 30 mins drive if after office hours), go to Guardian, buy that pregnancy test kit only, got into my car back, drove back home, got the test kit out of its box n plastic cover along the way when i got the opportunity (at red traffic light ONLY ok :p), reached home, tore the last plastic cover of one of the kits (i bought 2 just in case i didn't get the result that i want n for me to try again next month...hihi), went to the toilet, n guess what? i got the result straight away while i'm still pouring my experiment material into that strip...hahaha i was like what??? while i'm doing my business...haha
i still remembered i read from the instruction booklet (again, at red traffic light ONLY ok ;p) that u have to let ur experiment material flow at the tip for 5 seconds, wait for the blue line to appear at the other window first which show that the kit is working, wait for 2 minutes n then only u can see the result at the result just imagine how surprise i am to actually saw the result only after 3 secs flowing the experiment material at the tip...what i did --> i just pretend that i didn't see the '+' sign at the result window n kept counting until 5...hahaha this is my first time ever using that ok...i just followed the instructions one by one...i also waited for the blue line to appear at the other window (pretending i haven't saw the result ;p) n also waited 2 mins after that b4 i looked into the result window (again..haha)...n guess what??? it's '+' sign there which meant positive!!! hahaha not that surprise anymore la actually...just buat2 terkejut ;p
but after that i still couldn't believe it so i just performed my Asar prayer first (cam tak kusyuk je...huhu)...then after that ran again to the toilet to peek at the kit...guess what? the '+' sign is still there!! duhhh... ;p so i took a picture of that and MMS it to my hubby and waiting impatiently for him to react...lmbt pulak tuh...huhu x tenang btul all the while...then he called n said "ape tu? positif? pregnant ke?" i was like...yelah (dgn coolnye padahal rase nak meletup dah ;p) then he was like "yahoo!!!!"...hihi sooo cute :)
later i want to share the pic of the kit...the proof...still in my hp, not download yet la...
so that's the updates for this month...exciting updates indeed right? :)) lucky me again!
i think i'll have only one post for every month la...n it'll be a long one to cover one month stories...hihi
on another note (byk lak cite ;p) : currently expecting together with me (my baby will be the youngest kut) - eeja, azra n che ah!!! n also nedd, mot, shazzy, far that i baby will also will be in same yr with assie's :)
so dear baby, i know u r very just stay healthy in my womb ok...insyaAllah this Dec u can meet Mama and DaddyYo (this is what my hubby called himself...haha watever la kan ;p)...we love u!!! :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
walking a new life...
- 21 February 2009 : we officially became husband and wife at approximately 1500 hours @ Masjid Saidina Uthman Bdr Tun Razak (after 2 times of akad :) bravo syg!)
- 22 February 2009 : bride's reception @ Dewan Serbaguna Alam Damai
- 28 February 2009 : groom's reception @ Dewan Banquet, UPM Serdang
but wait a minute...i think i forgot s'thing else here...hmm there's one more occasion with nice photo...hehe it's our outdoor photoshooting...hihi the 'outdoor' is @ the infamous Palace of Justice, Putrajaya or Istana Kehakiman in Malay (which suits my husband really well since he's acting like a Sultan (King) with that outfit)...hehe kasi can la Raja Sehari :)
so here's our best shot (ckp ala2 Tyra Banks in America's Next Top Model ;p)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
well there's s'thing that i want to put in here for a long time but never had the chance to do it (basically due to my forgetfulness)...the thing that i want to do is put my engagement pic here (errr b4 i lost it somewhere..hehe) it's like a back up laa...i only have a few pics and i don't want to lose them...but i'll put only one pic here which is my most fav pic :)
so here it is...back on 24 August 2008...with my beloved fiance...
ya, ya i and peach colour...i blame my fiance for this...hihi peace darling! :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
10 days to walk into...
n'way still want to have this entry on 10 days b4 i walk into my new life :)
yesterday when hanging out with my friends at fratini's as a single, they started to mention that it would be the last time for us to hang around like that with everybody...after this everyone will start a new life n won't have as much chance to get together as we always do as a single mingle lady or man...huhu thinking about it makes me feel....don't know how to describe....sad, happy, excited, sad again, happy again, excited again, etc...mix2 feelings laaa...hehe and i said to myself that this must be exactly the feelings felt by every bride-to-be b4 the big day...i think la...i don't know about the groom-to-be's feelings but i actually felt really lucky to have the experience of feeling the way i feel...hehe ape ayat nih (only me understand this ;p)
so...for these 10 days, i'm just going to cherish these mix feelings and calm myself at the same time (really need to calm myself!!!) i'm getting the cold feet, cold hand, cold everything...hahaha
ok enough on the feelings2 it's time to introduce my latest and newest addition to my COACH collection (ade 3 items je so far my 'collection' nih ;p), fresh from LA (i think ;p), souvenir from my beloved fiance, tadaaaaa.....
aisey x nmpk plak label COACH tu...hihihi it's ok long as i know it's really a COACH :)
ok let's see my other 2 coachyes...
this is my clutch and also my purse (interchangeable..haha) also from my beloved fiance...
huhu so tired uploading these pics...luckily i only got 3 only...for the moment...hihi they are really nice huh :)
notice of the extensive usage of word 'fiance' in this entry? well, kasi can la...i only have another 10 days to use this word kan...lalalalala :))
p/s: kindly ignore the background of those pics's my beautiful green soft bed n soft pillow...hehe but they are nice too right...hihi i have all nice things :) n anything that is green is niceeee.....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
i'm walking away
i'm walking away from my single mingle i should enjoy my last 18 days being single right...hihi hmm wat should i do? .........aaaa don't have time to enjoy...still got a lot of things to do b4 the big's ok la...i already enjoyed my single life all these years...really really enjoyed myself...
i'm soooo ready to walk away...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
a walk @ KLIA
but a lot of things come up, things to settle once i got home for the CNY holidays...sigh~~~
last saturday i sent my fiance to KLIA for his business trip to US...on the way to the airport just happy2 one, at the airport also continue to happy2 with him...but then as i walk with him to the boarding hall entrance, suddenly i felt sooo sad...i almost cried (i already cried actually but managed to hold my tears from dripping until he enter the boarding hall...hihi) i'm an expert on things like this :)
i don't know why suddenly i felt like that...maybe it's the thought of not seeing him for the whole 1 week i'm in KL and also cannot hear his voice over the phone that often for the whole of 2 weeks...huhu we've been thru this once when he went to US last year...i missed him terribly :(
and now i have to go thru that again...i wish he didn't have to go...but if he didn't go then i won't get my Coach handbag...haha that's my motivation!!! u can do it!!! ;p
but then i think i actually felt what he might felt everytime he sent me off to the airport when i go back to miri...walking together to the airport and then walking alone from the airport...i felt that empty feeling during that time...but then tgh jln jiwang2 to the parking area, suddenly i bumped into my ex-housemate n her mom n brother pulak...hehe talked with her like haven't see her for a long time (padahal we went for lunch one day b4 ;p)...terus dah x sedih...hihihi that's good right :)
and now it's almost 1 week he'd been there and i miss him soooo much!!!! 1 week and 2 days to go until i can see him again...yeay!! can't wait :)
the conclusion of the story: i'm definitely going to follow him for his next trip there which is maybe in March...hint2...hihi by that time he'll be my hubby already n that trip can be our second honeymoon :))
ok gtg, mama is coming to fetch me...24 days to go to my BIG DAY!!! :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
why LUCKY?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
brand new ME
well actually i'm expecting a lot of new things happening around me for this of them is i'm having a new blog :) other NEW things to come: new place, new people, new family, new job which will add up together and producing a brand new me!!!!!hehe...haa dah phm sket kut..hihi
so just walk with me through these new thingy yer...we'll see insyaAllah all of them in this new year of 2009.....can't wait! :)