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Saturday, September 19, 2009

rendang raya 2009

i just got back from MIL helping her...ok fine...watching her cooked rendang daging nogori for raya tomorrow!!! yeay esok raye!!! :)

ok2 well here's the recipe while it's still fresh in my mind (i hope it still there ;p)

1. special rempah - consists of ketumbar, jintan manis n jintan putih; fried without oil then blended
2. coconut milk - very thick one
3. red onion, garlic, ginger - all sliced very thinly
4. lemongrass - blended/tumbuk
5. lengkuas - tumbuk
6. kerisik
7. daun kunyit
8. all the spices - kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, etc. (hihi can't remember ;p)
9. dried chillies - blended
10. beef - put some kunyit n salt

how to make:
1. heat some oil and put item 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9; cook until well cooked..hehe
2. put item 10 and cook until dry n beef soft
3. put item 7
4. followed by item 2 n cook until dry up
5. finally item 6

n....don't forget salt!!! secukup rasa yer :)

well that's all for now...i'm suppose to learn on how to change this boring blog layout...hihi gotta go googling now :) till then, selamat hari raya!!!

p/s: it's my 1st raya with hubby n baby (still inside - no need baju raya yet :)); next yr raya our theme colour will be pink (follow baby)...hihi boleh kan abg syg? ;)

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