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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

@ 31 weeks...

Hihi don't know what to write as the title. And apparently today is the day i turned into 31 weeks preggy (first pregnancy semangat ingat exact week-by-week ;p). Hopefully i'll still cherish n track my future pregnancies like i do now :) hmm which makes me many more pregnancies to go? hihi pregnancies yer not pregnancy...ish2 ape nih melalut.

But anyhow i can say that i really really really enjoy my pregnancy to the bits n don't mind going thru it over n over again! haha marah daddy o ni kalau dia bace ;p but yup it's true...despite of my fat look, unability to fit into my baju kurung n especially kebaya and missing my heels badly, i still enjoy it. It almost comes to the end now...huhu want to cherish these last few weeks of buncit tummy (eceh macam tak biasa pulak ada buncit tummy ;p)

Ok la back to the topic. Erkk what's the topic eh? Haha actually i don't have anything interesting topic to share la. These days i spend most of my times bloghopping rather than blogging (dari dulu pun mmg x rajin blogging btw ;p). But amazing la to see people has so many things and ideas to write about. Almost everyday. But it shud be simple right. Just write a few updates of yourself n there u r, making yet another entry. The point is I'M JUST LAZY!!! Haha and...and...and...i hv a very limited internet access previously...ok that justifies it ;p

Ok so now recent updates:
- got myself a broadband already...from Maxis...yippie!!! so no excuse la to leave this blog idle for long time eh like b4...hihi
- can't wait for weekends coz planning to go to Auntie's house @ Cheneh...long time no see her n family...n Syahmi is still here so can meet him as well...nanti next time jumpa i dah slim ;p n baby is here already! yeay! insyaAllah :)
- daddy o is confirmed going to San Diego next week...nak ikuttt!!! huhu but it's ok la if he manage to get my Medela FS...and also my Coachie hobo bag...hihi bestnyerrr...will be my Coachie #6...hehe but no pressure daddy o! if tak sempat beli pun it's ok...make sure u come home as soon as u finish the FAT k...gonna miss u terribly :(
- currently waiting for daddy o to come home from JB...yeay!!! baby pun suke daddy o nak balik...lompat2 dlm perut mama dari tadi :) insyaAllah we'll see daddy o in 2 hours' time k...
- baby is geting more active everyday...wonder if she gets enough sleep n rest or not...feels like she's moving inside there all the time...even if i wake up in the middle of the night also can feel her moving...wah2 so active la baby mama ni :)

Oh one more interesting update: had done shopping for baby last weekend but still pending a few items to buy. Really had fun la shopping baby stuff :) best2 nak shopping lagi boleh daddy o? Baby yang nak ;p

And now have to make a checklist for my stuff pulak. Selagi larat kaki ini melangkah i'd better do my shopping asap kan...huhu hopefully i'll still have the strength to get all the things needed before the big day :)

Ok lah want to harvest my peppers now...oh this is another activity of mine beside bloghopping ;p

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