Actually I intend to do this entry for today but just now so emotional on missing abg so have to write that entry first...hehe now just remembered my original intention ;p
I just want to record all the food that I should eat or so called the good-for-pregnancy food since lately there are so many advices for me to eat this and that from friends, families, etc. So I just want to jot them down as a note for my next pregnancIES...ngeh2 ;p
The benefit of eating these food are various for different person who recommends me to them so I'm also not sure why I have to eat them...hehe but hey, no harm done right? They are good food indeed and in a way it's kind of forcing me to eat them because of their 'nutritions'.
Ok2 before I babbling more and forget the list, I'd better jot down the list now. So here they go:
- Young coconut water (air kelapa muda) - for baby's smooth skin and thick hair
- Pomegranate (buah delima) - to have a beautiful baby with dimples (seriously, dimples??? layan je laaaa ;p); prevent brain trauma for baby during birth
- Kurma nabi - to have an easy birth; always good to eat anyway, very nutricious
- Air selusuh (better if made from air zamzam) - for easy birth; but only drink once in labor
- Soya milk (alternative: tempe...hihi i loike!) - to have a fair skin baby; but if consumed too much may result in sensitive skin for baby
- Manuka honey - i'll take during confinement; MIL said will heals the cut faster; good also if take during pregnancy
- Raisins - good for baby's brain
- Neurogain - erkk this is actually the supplement given by dr but it's good for baby's brain so i want to put this in the list as well in case I forget the name later...hihihi
I guess that's all that I remember for now. Will add more if there is any other advice from anybody who is very concern about me...hihi but just to remind again please don't quote me on the benefits of eating those food as listed above. Those are just came from friends, families, google (hihi), etc. There are not scientifically true (at least not yet for me :)) But we shall see - really interested on the dimples from pomegranate...hehehe
Ok toodles for now...yup2 this is more entry for today ;p
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