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Thursday, December 10, 2009

8.12.2009 5.55 pm, Tuesday, 21 Zulhijjah 1430H

My beautiful daughter was born on the above date and time :)
And until now I still can't believe that I'm already a mother!!! Niceeeee :)
Ok I want to skip the update for week 38 because the next day I gave birth already exactly on my 39th week. Oh and I have to change my pregnancy ticker too...please remind me coz right now I have a lotsa other things on my mind due to my upgrade from wife status to now wife and MAMA :)

Well, let's cut the story short while I can still remember my labor journey and while I still have a few minutes before my baby is sent back here after her feeding at the nursery.

I had my check up on Monday afternoon. Dr Seri said my tummy is still high and it will be a while till I can deliver my baby. So relax ye. You can still go to work.haha nice ;p also she told me to walk2 around a lot. Fine, me n hubby went to KLCC after that and have a little tour. Very short walk2 actually because I felt really2 heavy and can't wait to be home.

Then hubby went back to JB that evening around 6pm from KL. At 10.30 pm I discovered the bloody show. Oh no! I'm in labor already? Nahhh Dr Seri said if there's a show it can be another week before I deliver. So I just relax myself and trying to get back to sleep. But at 11 pm I already started to feel the contraction. I tried to time the contractions since then and they were 10 minutes apart consistently. Waaa by that time I know that I'm already in labor, for real! So the whole night until morning I was struggling with the contraction every 10 minutes. Everytime I almost drifted into sleep, a new wave will come. Just can't describe the pain. But the closest feeling that I felt was like having a period pain but a little bit stronger, and of course every 10 minutes ;p

So the next morning still struggling with the pain, I called hubby and asked him to standby. But I didn't want to rush him coz I'm afraid that it was a false alarm and said will confirmed with him once I reached PCMC. So mama took me to PCMC and when I described to them what I've been going thru the night before, they sent me to the labor room right away.

They checked and I was already 4cm dilated. Dr Seri came, broke my water bag (i was flooding the hospital ;p) and then it was 5cm at around 8.30am. Meanwhile hubby was speeding from JB...hehe poor bambam tak sempat rest pun...

Then the longest ever labor took place. I was having 'mild' contraction all the time until 4pm (it was 'mild' because comparing to the contraction that I was having after 4pm until the delivery it was wayyyyyyy too mild...haha...that contraction I can't describe...huhu). But until 4pm I was only 7cm dilated...huhu what a progress ;p So they drip me to make the contraction stronger and the rest was history...haha can't describe it. But very very very luckily I have bambam by my side as the 'gas supplier'. Haha just took his hands and sniff the 'laughing' gas (but I'm totally not laughing kay ;p)

Then I was in my own world together with my contraction. Oh and also with the gas ;p
The next thing I know I heard someone said 'ok 10 cm already'. Waaaaaa I was like 'did I hear what I just heard?????' Because all the time before that I only heard 'still 7cm la', 'baru 8cm','eh tak la, still 7', 'ok now it's 8', 'no it's still 7'....hahaha seriously tau ;p

So after that I really wanted to push but they said have to wait for Dr Seri...huhuhu doc, doc, where are you? Why are you so relax when I was sooooo not? Then after that finally they asked me to push and after about 3-4 times, I heard 'haaa Alhamdulillah dah keluar dah....' hihihi and I was soooooooo relieved......fuhhhhhh! And it was 5.55pm, 8 December 2009 (the date that I whispered baby to come out because I liked the number 8.12 remind me of my hantaran of 8182...hihihi and she listened to me! Good girl la baby! I love you!!! Mmuahhhh...

So that's the story that I want to remember forever and ever. Beautiful story of the day my beautiful daughter was born :)

p/s: will post the pics later...she got a lot of them already :))

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