We had officially moved to Bangi (finally ;p) and so Izma also has to officially goes to school as her Opah's home is already far far away and she already is a big big girl (cam xde kena mengena kan ;p).
To tell you the truth we've been dragging in finding and surveying all the nurseries/playschools available in Bangi for us to send Izma to once we moved because we really don't want to send her!!! And we know she also doesn't want to be left with anyone else who is not her Opah while we are at work...huhu but what to do sooner or later we still have to send her to school so it's better for her to get the idea as soon as now ;)
So how was she at school?
First day: sent her at 8am and fetched her at 11.30am (felt like infinity being at home without her ;(). She was crying when we arrived to fetch her. And according to the aunties there she was crying all the way since 8am except when they bathed her ;(
Second day: sent her at 7.30am and fetched her at 2pm. A lot of improvement. She cried but not for long. She stayed close to the aunts and just laughed watching the other kids play. She didn't have the guts to join them yet I guess.
Third day: that is today. Sent her at 7.30am and plan to fetch her at 5pm today! Waaa long way to go and this is one of my ways to kill time ;)) Ya Allah, please make my baby happy during her stay there..Aminn...

Sooo happy yesterday after we fetch her!
Happy nys izma..mummy must be very legaaaa..hihi
ReplyDeleteYes legaaaa eeja...now getting better dah tak sedih pagi2 gi skool...worth the 1-week leave..hehe ;))