We're relaxing while Izma is on her familiarization phase at her new playschool, Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessari ;)
The truth is we took 1 week leave especially to send Izma to BBIM and to monitor her 'closely' while she is familiarizing herself to the new environment which is totally a very strange place for her. Strange mostly because it is filled with kids there and she's not used to that. All this while her life is revolving around adults all the time, the youngest being her Mak Su who is 19 years old...hehe
So that's why in these 2 days we had send her there, she stayed close to the aunts there and only watched the other kids play (so we were told by the teachers there - or 'aunts' called by the kids). Poor Izma she don't know how to mingle and play with her new friends ;( hopefully in time she'll find her ways to join them and get herself some BFFs ;p
By the way on second day of our vacation which is today I got some extra time (duhh ;p) to get my herbs and spices into small (free) jars and labeled them! These 2 days are really refreshing and give me some perspectives on being a SAHM or WAHM (I did check my mails just now ;p). And here's my cute little spice jars with their labels (so that I won't forget their names and really know what i put in my cookings in case somebody ask for the recipes ;pp).

They're cute jars right ;)
Got the jars from my second cousin's wedding as a wedding favor (with sweets inside) but I got only 4 of them and i still need extra jars for my bunga lawang (star anise??) and bunga cengkih (don't know??). And also if you notice i didn't put any label for kulit kayu manis a.k.a cinnamon coz you cannot not know what that thing is okkk ;p
So anyone of you getting married soon and will give these cute lil jars away as wedding favors to your guests? Invite me please!!! ;))
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