It's so exciting seeing her developing her verbal skill and hence I want to record all her vocabularies as of now. So that next time you see her and she's blabbering alien language at you, you'll know what she means. I'm one of the experts now :) So here we go, Izma Dictionary and Thesaurus, go make a copy before you see her ;p
Starts with the best la kan:
Mama = Mama (yeay me! :))
Yah = Ayah
Dik/Cu = My youngest sister; she follows everyone calling her 'adik' ;p but when asked mana Cu?, she'll point to my sister and said 'Cu'
Pah = Opah
Tuk = Atuk (both sides)
Wa = Wan (my MIL)
Nak = Nak/Want
Ak = Tak nak/ don't want
Shik = Nasik/ rice
Shik mak = Nasik lemak (her favorite!)
Ti = Roti
Uah = Buah (most favourite!!!)
Shu = Susu/ milk or her kasut/ shoes :) - this can be confusing sometimes
Ba = Bam (baring)
Jo = Jom
Pu = Lampu
Dah = Dah
Hot = Panas/ pedas (mama yg kejam suka bagi dia mkn benda pedas ;p) And it looks like this is the only English word in her vocab as of now in the list. A true Malaysian.
Two = Two
Ti = Three
Four = Four
Juk = Sejuk
Nini = Nenen ;p
Be = Bird
Fish = Fish
Cat = Cat
Dog = Dog
Bit = Rabbit
Bo = Dibo
Do = Tido
Ok that's all I can think of right now. Yeah most of them are single phrase except her favourite 'shik mak'...hehe it's so fun hearing her saying all those words. So cute! :) Definitely need to record all these down and remember the moment :))
The big girl :)
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