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Thursday, April 14, 2011

my one-day-off dream

Weird title, no? It's actually just my dream of having a one day off during working days and have a date with myself (euwwww ;p). Or if you like the 'me time' day. One day is enough and perfect for me. So I'm going to list down the itinerary details of this dream day which I don't know yet when. But most probably on a fine Wednesday. I don't know why Wednesday but the idea of having to work for only 2 days then have a day off then work another only 2 days and off again is somewhat nice :) You don't get it right? It's ok let's just go to our itinerary ;p

So here are the details of my one-day-off dream:
  1. Breakfast at Starbucks Coffee KLCC until late morning (have to go out early as usual so that my mom won't suspect anything...hahaha jahat...and oh with office attire as well...casual office attire ;p)
  2. Have my facial at Aster Spring KLCC (or is it no longer there? huhu) or other Dermalogica outlet
  3. See my dentist for scaling treatment (haven't done this for 2 years!!!! euwwwww ;p)
  4. Hair treatment (maybe?)
  5. Shopping
  6. Shopping
  7. Shopping
So if you notice I had allocated 3 shopping sessions which indicates 3 different shopping spots. Nice rightttttt. But if I have any other important administrative that I need to settle then it will override my shopping activity. So I'll left with only 2 shopping sessions ;p And of course I'll add in a nice lunch and lots of snack times! Weeeee.....

Actually that's about it la. Tak macam dream pun kan. Boring jek...haha but for me if I can just do all those thing, i'll be so contented and will definitely relieve all my stress. Actually the above activities used to be my routine activities during my single mingle life. I never missed my dentist appointment, had my facial almost every month, hang up at Starbucks with friends until late night (only girlfriends ye hubby ;p) and of course shopping every other day...haha over lak ;p

However those activities are no longer in my priority lists since I got the mom title. I never got the leisure time to spend on myself as most of my time are devoted to that chubby little girl and that chubby little hubby :) I'm not complaining here ya, it's just that I had realised that my priorities had changed 360 degrees (fuiyooo) and I'm doing more things that I love most doing like spending time with my two chubby buddies :) (that's why la I pun become chubby tauuuu)

So yeah I got my lists done. Now it's time to choose the perfect day for my one-day-off dream day! Just thinking about it makes me smile :))) Can't wait!!!

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