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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Izma Poppins and The Magic Umbrella

Izma is currently sooo obsess with her ayah's Timberland black umbrella. Introducing Izma Poppins...

Mama and Izma berposing dgn payung Ayah. Payung mesti pegang yer...

Ok ni Izma posing bersungguh-sungguh

Ni Mama pulak posing...Izma malas nak layan...panas tuuu

Sian Ayah pegang payung berat...meh Izma tolong

Pegang jgn tak pegang ;p

But seriously she's really obsess with that umbrella. She'll be soo excited whenever we want to open that umbrella and insist to hold it. And she'll scream and cry when we take the umbrella from her...huhuhu Izma, Izma, mainan ada byk tapi payung jugak yg dia suke main ;p


  1. can i kidnap her?

  2. yes you can try...but i bet you'll beg me to take her back within 24 hours or less looking at her activeness rate right now...hehe ;p

  3. so cute la pic number 2! her cheeks scream 'i wanna be pinched and kissed!' hehehe.. :D
