Don't know whether the above quote is really from George Bush. I found it on the internet...hehe
Well, that gives me idea what other vege to give Izma now that she had started her solid feedings. Actually she just tried carrot for the vege group and gave not really a good response if feed her only carrot. Have to mix it with either milk or pureed pear and she loves it to the bits!
So I'm so need to record this as my future references. Everything pun konon2 for the reference la kan. Too lazy to learn it all over again next time...haha it's not rocket science I know, but still...a new knowledge for me. Whatever.
Ok2 back to the topic. Well, Izma turned 6 (months) last Tuesday so it's the new beginning on her solid journey. Solid means solid food, which means adding real food into her milk diet. Although the taste of this so called 'real food' is really tasteless, it is still considered a new adventure for her and she's really really excited! She really loves her meal time. Good girl. Hopefully she maintains her appetite for food like that so that it won't be a bersilat session everytime I want to feed her...huhu
So looking back 1 week ago, I started gave Izma solid 2 days before her 6-month birthday. Really tak sabar + so pity to watch her watching us eat. Her mouth will imitate our chewing motion and she even swallowed her saliva..huhu so guilty looking at her like that. So excitedly, this excited mama bought all the necessities to start solid. Nak start solid pun kena shopping bersungguh tau. Bought new blender for Cheras (use our wedding pressie blender at Bangi), new knife, peeler, chopping board (all in 2 sets), BPA free Take n Toss food containers from The First Years, BPA free weaning spoons also from The First Years and some unresistible cute baby bibs (;p) from Mothercare.
Then, I did some research on the internet on baby first food recipe (you can imagine how excited I am, no?). Actually it is really simple to prepare those pureed food but I just want to get some ideas on what to introduce first so that her tummy don't get too shock on the foreign substance...haha ;p
Guess what first food makes it to Izma's tiny tummy-------PEAR! Yup Izma's first food is pear...hehe pureed pear. How do you do it? Really simple. Peel the pear, cut it into small cubes, put into boiling water for a minute, cool it down, then blend until it turns into smooth puree texture. Done and serve :) A pear can fill up her food container and lasts for a week! But after 2 days I add in carrot to her pear diet. How did Izma take it? For pear she loves loves loves it so much. But for carrot, she rejected it at first. What go in will go out in seconds. None made it to her tummy. However her mama becomes creative and add some milk to the pureed carrot and guess what? She finished it in a blink! Nice eh carrot milk :) And when there's no milk, her mama again becomes creative, mix pear and carrot, the results? She loves it too! As long as there is a familiar taste or sweet taste, she'll love it.
Today Izma will be introduced to a new fruit-----A for an apple! I just made the puree last night. I get a full container of the puree with just an apple. Can lasts for another week :) Ok want to call my mom now to ask on the progress of apple..hehe will make plain rice porridge and potato puree tonight :) Semangat tak hingat ;p
Oh and also, my plan for tonight or this evening - cut Izma's hair! it's getting longer and thicker...huhu will upload her new haircut after that ya...hehe
Before that, do enjoy this pic featuring Izma with her new aqua Bumbo. She loike! I also loike! Make every feeding easier and hassle free (ceh cam wat slogan lak ;p)

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