Ermm BF is not BoyFriend ya…I dah x main la boyfren2 ni…hihi
In this case BF = BreastFeeding ya. Actually it’s been ages since I have this topic in mind and wanted to record my journey which had been almost 6 months now, Alhamdulillah although not exclusively and plan to proceed as long as I can InsyaAllah…but it’s also been ages since I’ve put any entry in here…hehe I’m very amaze on those working mothers with babies who manage to update their blog frequently. How do you guys do it? Please share. As for me, I think I don’t even have a minute to spare to write anything here, including weekends when hubby is around. Hopefully this will NOT be the end of my blog. I hope it will not die just like that or die gracefully…haha whichever way it is, please don’t die my dear blog…hehe
So much for the opening babbling. Enough on that, let’s keep this blog alive. So back to my BF topic, what to share? Well, I’ve been breastfeeding my little princess Izma since she was born. But back then there’s not much milk or maybe no milk at all? I don’t know. I’m thankful that Izma can really suck the moment she latched on me although not properly latch but she knew what to do with that thing in her mouth…hehe… For the first few days, she was sucking on my nipple and not on the entire areola (area around the nipple) so my nipples were really hurt due to the wrong latching. And also I think she kept sucking harder because she didn’t get the milk and really hungry. So when she was not satisfied after our breastfeeding session, we sent her to nursery for the nurse to feed her formula milk (they use Enfalac @ PCMC).
After a few consultation sessions with the nurses @ PCMC and I think there were a few of them who are also lactation counselors, they advised me to use nipple shield for my cracked nipples. They provide me one pair of Medela nipple shield and also Medela nipple cream (Purelan 100) which I’m supposed to pay (total of RM120) but somehow somebody forgot to put it on my bills and end up I got them for free! Weee~~~~ lucky me! :)
Anyways that nipple shield pair were very helpful. I can continue bf Izma despite the cracked nipples and by continue bf her, my milk supply increased tremendously (wah2 ;p) due to the stimulation from Izma’s sucking. I used the nipple shield for about 3 to 4 weeks until my nipples fully healed and after that I just direct bf Izma. It was very very very tough though at first to get Izma to properly latch without the nipple shield. We had to try latching for few times on every bf session and it can be really frustrating sometimes.
However after about 6 weeks, our bf activities had been fully established and we became expert at it already (we means Izma and I and ayah too who helped us a lot on this :)). By this time I really can appreciate the beauty of bf and somehow I think ayah benefited a lot from this. He doesn’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to prepare milk and doesn’t have to feed Izma as it had to be me all the time :). But as Izma became so attached to her normal milk supply, it became harder to train her to feed from the bottles when I’m almost finishing my maternity leave. It was a really a challenge.
A lot of ‘bersilat’ session on every bottle feeding.
A lot of tears from Izma (and myself actually ;p).
A lot of trial and error of different types of teats.
A lot of formula milk brand…well not a lot la, only 2…hehe we tried Enfalac A+ and Isomil soy based.
I don’t have EBM (expressed breast milk) stock hence the using of formula milk. And also to train Izma to drink the formula if my EBM is not enough once I started working (which is indeed the case).
Cut the story short, when I started working, my breastpumping journey starts. I pumped 3 times a day during working hours at 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm. At first I only managed to get max 2oz per session or total of 6oz per day. So little and that time Izma actually drank a lot, around 12oz during the day when I’m at office. I was so depressed with my milk supply. I ate a lot of so called milk stimulation food i.e.:
- Dried longan
- Red date (tried only once, not my taste)
- Fenugreek (rebus, drink 3 big spoons with instant oat drink)
- Milkmaid tea
- Oat
- Habbatus sauda’
- Rice (a lot la of course, everyday )
- Pil ASI
And guess which one worked best for me? The winner is pil ASI! Hehe…well, not really significant increases on my milk supply, but I can consistently maintained around 12oz per day (I add another pumping session before going to sleep at around 11pm).
And since then I managed to maintain my supply minimum 9oz per day which are enough for 3 feedings. The serving amount of 1 feeding of EBM is maintained between 3oz to 3.5oz due to the fat characteristic changes in breastmilk which will suit baby’s age. However her formula feeding serving amount need to be increased from 3oz to 4oz to satisfy the growing baby (fuiyoo explanation cam doctor lak ;p).
So that are basically part of my BF journey which I’m still riding on and plan to continue this beautiful journey as long as I can (for my case I think until my milk dries up which I think will not be a big problem~~~).
And at this very moment I’m so excited to start solid feeding for Izma on her 6th month birthday next week! Thrill thrill thrill! Bought a new blender for her food already ;) Also already bought the food storage containers and spoons (BPA free). I want to introduce homemade food first before introducing instant rice cereal or baby rusks. As much as I want to give her homemade food only, I think it is also important for her to get used to those ‘instant’ baby food so that we can travel long distance without worrying on Izma’s food if we don’t manage to prepare the food. Just get her to taste a little bit of those instant food. But homemade food is the priority :)
I think I want to share the solid journey in next entry la. Which can be a few weeks (or months ;p) from now. Till then toodles for now. Want to collect all those yummy baby food recipes! ;)