Wow our dearest little izma is 4 months today! In a blink of an eye! That tiny baby had turned into a chubby bubbly baby now :) yup bubbly with her saliva ;p
Anyways I have a lot to write actually on my journey of 4-month motherhood and parenthood. It’s a totally different path to walk through compared to my single mingle life and together-gether-with-hubby-only life. Please do ignore the second last phrase if you don’t understand it because I also don’t.haha ;p
Ok la I think I want to begin with what comes into my mind first. Ok now the second thought already comes also. But I’ll still start with the first thought. First come, first serve. Whatever. What I really want to record here is my daily schedule as a mama to a 4-month old baby. Basically I adapted this schedule since I started working 2 months ago. So far this routine is still valid and I want to record this as my future reference. But mind you, the ‘future’ will not be in the near future ya ;p ok2 enough with the babble babbling. So now I’m sharing my daily routine here…
5 am :
Wake up and straight to shower (however this depends on that little girl; if she joins me waking up then I have to ‘bribe’ her with her ever love breastfeeding session so that she can drift back to sleep…hehe; this can takes up to 30 mins so my shower session can be in between 5-5.30 am…pjg lak bebel ;p)
5.30 am:
Finish my shower, put on my contact lens, put toner on my face, join izma to sleep if she haven’t wake up yet by this time
6 am:
Perform my Subuh prayer
6.05 am (laju giler solat ;p):
Kacau2 izma to wake her up for her morning breastfeeding session; change her diaper, bf her for about half an hour
6.35 am:
Get ready for work, get dress, basic make up (will put on lipstick in the car…hehe multitasking ;p), ready all my breastpump accessories
6.45 am:
Start my car engine, carry izma to walk2 a little bit outside the house n play2 with her
6.55 am (pergghhh detail x ingat):
Go to work
7.45 am:
Reach office, breakfast, check email, bla bla bla ;p
9 am:
First breastpumping session
12 pm:
Second breastpumping session
3 pm:
Third breastpumping session
5 pm (sharp):
Out of office
6 – 6.30 pm:
Reach home, put EBM (expressed breast milk) in fridge, change clothes, watch akasia with izma (watched Cinta Balqis, Na O Mei and currently watching Adamaya :))and concurrently bf her (time ni mmg lepas gian dak kecik tu; bersungguh2 walaupun kenyang…hehe sian die sehari suntuk kene minum botol)
7.45 pm:
Solat Maghrib and let izma play by herself with mr crab, mr Lamaze, etc.
8 pm:
Bf izma and usually this is the ‘sleeping’ feeding; she usually sleeps by 8.30 or 9 pm.
10 pm (terjoin izma tido skali lak):
Wake up, clean izma’s bottles, my breastpump accessories, sterilize bottles, iron clothes for the next day, solat Isyak
11 pm:
Final breastpumping session for the day (if I’m rajin, I’ll have another bp session at around 2 ami which is very rare case ;p)
2 am:
Izma wakes up for her feeding session
4 am:
Another feeding session
Fuhhhh what a day! And night too! Waaa writing the routine also already tiring. Just imagine how tired I am going through this routine. Well, I guess that’s the price of being a mother. You asked for it in the first place right? Yup, I asked for it. And I’m actually loving every second of it :) but it’ll be so much easier if only hubby is around during weekdays :( it’s not that I can’t handle izma all by myself but I just pity her when she has to play with herself when I’m performing my prayers or when I have to run few things…sian die xde org layan…
Anyways that’s how it is for now. It is still manageable since I can just put izma anywhere without worrying her rolling over the bed as she’s still can’t move much. Wait until she can turn her body and rolling2 then I have to put some extra measures. Have to build pillow wall around her…huhu
Ok lah enough on that, now the second thing I want to share on Izma’s development so far:
Exactly at 4 months:
- Can turn herself at one side; had tried turn her full waist-down part body; sometimes managed to fully turn herself but one hand will still stuck under her body – can lift her head a little in this position but not for long :)
- Drink about 18 oz per day during the day – usually 11 to 12 oz from my milk and top up another 6 oz Enfalac – really hope can fully bf her :( it’s ok InsyaAllah ada rezeki can full bf her brothers and sisters later (erkk cam ramai je brotherS and sisterS ;p)
- Can recognizes familiar faces esp. my face as the main delicious milk supplier, her beloved ayah, her opah, her wan, atuk, mak su, cu…rasa pak ngah’s face dah lupa kut since dah almost 1 month tak jumpa…hehe
- Put everything in her hands into her mouth – if there’s nothing in her hands, she’ll put her hands in her mouth and her most favorite part is her thumb! Both thumbs…nyum2
- Will scream when left unattended for a long time; long time = 5 mins! Manja sungguh kene org layan all the time
- Smiles a lot! So cute!!!!! :))
- Very happy when someone changes her diaper
- Loveeeeee bath time!
will add some more if I remember anything else :)
bestkan jadi mother... selamat hari ibu emy..
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