See our baby walks...

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 28, 2010

sleeping beauty

The little princess sleeps peacefully...dan penuh bergaya :)

i surrender

best la car seat ni...zzzzzzz

turn right

then turn left

saya nak tanye soalan!

do not disturb

anak ayah :)

i'm 1 day old y'all

1st anniversary 21st february 2010

This is an overdue update on our 1st anniversary but quoting on my favourite phrase 'better late than never' right :) hehe

Well not much update la actually on that big day due to our 'little' constraint to have a romantic candlelight dinner for just the 2 of us and catch a late night movie (i wish!).

But guess what? We got to do things better than that. Spend our very first anniversary with our bundle of joy!!! Who else, Miss Izma Humaira la. We had our 'candlelight' lunch @ TGIF Pavilion and walk2 with that little princess. Nice! I loike!

My MIL's remarks: Baru sambut sethn anniversary dah ada baby :)
Alhamdulillah :))

p/s: Erkk second anniversary hopefully don't have the second baby yet yer...hehe ;p

Monday, February 15, 2010

akikah on 7 feb 2010 update

Nothing much to update actually on the izma's akikah ceremony. A picture speaks a thousand words right? So let's have the pictures do the speaking ;p (sebenarnye so lazy to write long2 coz i'm using my hp ni blogging :p)

my pretty akikah dress bought by ayah it!!!

Izma managed to stay in that beautiful dress from around 11 am until 2 pm. Then a bit rimas2 so we changed her into another nice Lovely Lace dress. I don't have the piccas in my hp. Have to save from facebook later and put some here. We love love love the Lovely Lace dresses and ayah actually bought another 2 dresses after the kenduri...hihi later have to buy a few for raya as well :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

we're in JB y'all!!!

Yup2 we're currently in JB and yesterday was the longest journey for the lil' girl. Tak sampai 2 months old tapi dah jalan jauh2 ni. We managed to put her in her new green car seat (I loike!!!) for only 1 hour and for the rest of the trip, I'm her car seat (+ of course milk supplier ;p).

As for the first day here today, I think she's adapting to ayah's room here. Just the two of us when ayah goes to work. Luckily we brought along her 'mr. crab'...hehe that toy of her can keep her occupied for about 15 minutes, which leaves me enough time to take a shower...haha yeah2 i know 'mandi kambing' ;p. I'll get a proper shower once ayah is back ok!

izma playing with Mr Crab

Oh right now everyone is busy preparing for her kenduri akikah a.k.a. kenduri kawin izma bak kata wan dia...hihi :) n last saturday ayah bought her a beautiful dress for the ocsasion, complete with matching socks and headband. Very very nice and lovely. Must snap a lot of piccas next sunday :)

Ok2 she's getting cranky now. Can't write long2 one. Till next time y'all. Hopefully I can upload the akikah piccas for my next entry...