Btw the little girl is already 1 month and 4 days young :) Actually I want to write something on her 1st month birthday but she wouldn't let me off last Friday which was on 8th January. She was 'hanging' all day...hehe must be her growth spurt I think.
So 1 month update:
- she can smile when people keep talking2 to her :)
- she'll look at the direction when people call her name...her eyes will wander all around the room to look for the voice
- i think she can recognize her mama's voice :)
- will talk to other people cheerfully if people hold her and talk to her...but if with me it's always for the milk...hehe her mouth will look for the milk source everytime i hold her...i have no chance to talk2 to her for long time laa...milk always comes first :)
- she loves ayah's singing...walaupun lagu brutal2 pun layan jeee...hihi
Happy one month birthday sweetheart! Mama n ayah love you very very very much!!!!!