waaaaa...only 10 days to my BIG DAY people!!!!! hihi i'm actually is busy like a bee now...be it work bz or my wedding preparation bz...bottom line is this is the super duper busiest time of the year...hehe eventhough still 10 months to go for 2009...watever laaa....
n'way still want to have this entry on 10 days b4 i walk into my new life :)
yesterday when hanging out with my friends at fratini's as a single, they started to mention that it would be the last time for us to hang around like that with everybody...after this everyone will start a new life n won't have as much chance to get together as we always do as a single mingle lady or man...huhu thinking about it makes me feel....don't know how to describe....sad, happy, excited, sad again, happy again, excited again, etc...mix2 feelings laaa...hehe and i said to myself that this must be exactly the feelings felt by every bride-to-be b4 the big day...i think la...i don't know about the groom-to-be's feelings but i actually felt really lucky to have the experience of feeling the way i feel...hehe ape ayat nih (only me understand this ;p)
so...for these 10 days, i'm just going to cherish these mix feelings and calm myself at the same time (really need to calm myself!!!)...now i'm getting the cold feet, cold hand, cold everything...hahaha
ok enough on the feelings2 things...now it's time to introduce my latest and newest addition to my COACH collection (ade 3 items je so far my 'collection' nih ;p), fresh from LA (i think ;p), souvenir from my beloved fiance, tadaaaaa.....
aisey x nmpk plak label COACH tu...hihihi it's ok la...as long as i know it's really a COACH :)
ok let's see my other 2 coachyes...
this is my clutch and also my purse (interchangeable..haha) also from my beloved fiance...

and finally my first ever COACH handbag! :) (of course it's from my fiance as well...haha yeay me!)

huhu so tired uploading these pics...luckily i only got 3 only...for the moment...hihi they are really nice huh :)
notice of the extensive usage of word 'fiance' in this entry? well, kasi can la...i only have another 10 days to use this word kan...lalalalala :))
p/s: kindly ignore the background of those pics yer...it's my beautiful green soft bed n soft pillow...hehe but they are nice too right...hihi i have all nice things :) n anything that is green is niceeee.....